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15 Questions to Awaken Your Inner Calling

1. What would I do if you truly loved myself? 2. What is my deepest purpose? 3. What does my heart yearn for? 4. If I were to die in 3 days, what would I need to accomplish to die complete? 5. Whats something that I believe in and means something to me at a deep, core level I could devote my life to? 6. If I could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would I say? 7. If I had all the money in the world but still had to have some kind of job, what would I choose to do? 8. When Im 90 years old, what will matter most to me? 9. If I lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would I want to run into? Does that person know how much they mean to me? 10. Do I fear death? If so, do I have a good reason? 11. When will I be good enough for myself? Is there some breaking point where I will accept everything about myself? 12. What would people say about me at my funeral? 13. What small thing could I do to make someones day better? 14. What do I believe stands between me and complete happiness? 15. How can I work only in the areas of my greatest strengths and talents so that I can shine?

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