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What is this idea of all about?

Basic Principles of Self-Defense:

It is said that the first Law of Nature is selfpreservation. In a practical sense, selfpreservation involves self-defense of life, liberty, and property. When a group of individuals come together to protect themselves in community self-defense, they do so in a social contract under and through law. See Bastiats The Law for a further explanation of this idea. Furthermore, the right referred to in the Second Amendment flows from the unalienable God-given fundamental Right to Life, as is acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence. From the Right to Life flows the rights of selfdefense and the right to a means of selfdefense. From the right of self-defense flows the right to a means to keep and bear Arms and the right for collective self-defense. The latter right has been delegated to the fifty States in the form of a duty to maintain a State (governmental) Militia.

The ideas behind REVITALIZING THE SECOND AMENDMENT have to do with . normal, everyday, common people like us leading the way through education, activism, and lobbying of legislators as private citizens (constituents), not paid lobbyists. We will work with the State of Colorado to restore the statutory authority of the citizens to be armed and accoutered as a duty of service to the State, as is our duty and unalienable right guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and all State constitutions. This is the way it was in America before 1908! Become a Colorado CHSA member and learn how you can participate in your local Citizens Homeland Security Association Chapter soon!

Its Time for The People To Fix This!

Citizens Homeland Security Association

Our founding documents guarantee our freedoms. Join & your Colorado CHSA Chapter now; help revitalize our vital powers!

Review the website below to learn how to revitalize the Second Amendment, and get prepared to soon help to organize a Colorado CHSA Chapter in your local Legislative District area. Start by getting reeducated. Become part of the solution today! Visit our website:

What will your local CHSA Chapter do? Our ability to exercise community self-defense in America was seriously undermined by Congress with the inception of the Dick Act/Law of 1903. This law bribed the States to bring the States Militia laws into line with the federal militia acts, whose purpose was to transform the Militia of the several States into the militia of the United States (10 U.S.C. 311) being kept by the States. Part of the means to deceive or conceal this effort was to legislatively rename the Militia as the National Guard. Subsequent amendments of the Militia Acts and other enactments transmogrified the militia (National Guard) into an Article I army. Roosevelt and Congress underlying motive was to give them the ability to send militia into foreign wars, thus contravening Article I, Section 8, Clause 15. CHSA Chapters will be started across Colorado to work together to correct this problem legislatively. Our first main steps are reeducation and organization.


Do you, like most God-fearing, God-loving Americans, feel there is way too much intrusion on your personal rights by government? Do you think Americans are smart enough and strong enough to govern ourselves? Are you sick and tired of the top-down control coming out of Washington? Did you know that the people have all of the rights and duties necessary to fix this mess by restoring constitutional remedies inherent in the Second Amendment? Want to join thousands of other fellow citizens right in your own neighborhoods, communities, villages, metropolitan areas, and counties, and solve your own problems from the bottomup? The difficulty isnt the lack of resources, or people unwilling to do the right thing; its that we arent organized in the right way. Did you know Congress unorganized the people of the United States through the Dick Law of 1903 and subsequent Militia Acts? It was a control fraud perpetrated to regulate Americans and take away our sovereign authority to govern ourselves. Join together now with fellow citizens; learn how to Revitalize the First Clause of the Second Amendment to restore liberty and justice again in the several States.

If it was good enough for President Washington, its certainly good enough for us! Join your CHSA Chapter today, and help make a difference.

Each CHSA shall perform eight basic activities: a.) reeducation b.) organization c.) investigation d) explanation e) preparation f) promotion g) participation h) mobilization

It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defence of it, and consequently that the Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) . . . should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth on any very interesting Emergency . . . President George Washington, in a report to the U.S. Congress, 1790. (Knox. J. & Washington, G. Sentiments on a Peace Settlement: Organization of the Militia.) Revitalizing this essential power of WE THE PEOPLE is an imperative that is necessary to the security of a free State, as the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights clearly states!

Will you join us in this crucial task at this critical time? Learn more at It is time for WE THE PEOPLE to organize and act!

Learn What You Can Do Now! Become a member now at

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. -- Thomas Jefferson

RT2A Headquarters 2910 Kerry Forest Parkway D4-11 Tallahassee, Florida 32309 850.417.8543 Office 561.760.3838 Facsimile Revitalizing the Second Amendment Citizens Homeland Security Association of Colorado

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 2nd Amendment, Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, December 15, 1791.

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