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M ht.t'\te .J . t f'1nUsh$d th1 lo'l) 11,- . 70U are t

fi.t-st Cl8.$S the.'b h ev grruiuated in 1t'itlt
doW call th . W,.. VJb7 4o-.
.aall our Se1 .ee l)ep. rtm.ent liana;;r LOtlillll?
studQnt who. ev t.r attended ;the Amor1ean SehO:Ol'* nd tlle!r X
Pl\l'"&$til., shoul.d able to tb-0$. q ationa., to41sht
I am going to tell y u the eto:ey.
l th!rlk t11at or us, 1n go ... ng lire" .seldom
stop to tho Oflk that b.n& be n donG, very orten 'by'

people .we do not kna , to m.ue it posstble ro:r to enjo7
r, :\.4;

li<>t _. e .nt de l bas been pu'bl1Blled ho11t the Amertc .s. \
SehQ:<Jl .a hi 'tol:7.t but I d that ln 1007, Hr._ and Mr&.
Pierce 011 Compan,-,. ha:d two cn1ldrun to- edw:lat..
allowing J"une. 1n S.s&1 wm: WJl$ the ether oJ:
DtJlViS;t; C ;.ito Uexie>Q., She bad jl.Uft ElnSelled t*i,_..S h$1'*'
tr 1n1 u a ten teatChel::"
the t1n1t$d. at that t1
hOuse.- .bto. was s1tuated (lll the 2nd nut;
or-_ to ot:f1e0s of ep, tt51 Univ.. rsat. At
the btrg h& d. V<en $ddit1cn. to two D . .via
. )-,N-,1 \ \ t !\,..,
c.hllbt'n and :on tn tne 7-ee this to 19.., t111ti
pesos 1r thel'$ two children from During
th next two the: little Itindar:garte-n tlqurinh$d and
J3r1 t.11!fh and. pa"rent$ afit th-eir e-h11dren tl:J
J-.. :r.
I.t'l dU$ to b:ad h$s.ltllt Mt-s., F1lee had to giv \11)
the sehool $.1ld Davis dee1d$d to bJ"L'tJJg down G tutor f:ro.m the
Un1t$d Statea:.. liP. s. w. Walker,. Mr . w. o. Staples. end
many others h'&tw<d ot thia
tbey aaked T:1.r . Davis: to allow the;ir
children to att(t:nd.. On Sept Emtber 18th" a _ v.ras
calle-d . American Colony and the Mexico Wa.$'
OP[:Vtn1zed, . John n. Dans u ..
Within. a p;e:rlod t:>f two months;, 96 pupils wer ecnrolled.
and it 'fJas t"O ha:ve. a
At the me-eting of' September 1894 . the ';a"
.submitte:d am eoept'$d. A -wM a.ppo1atea, co:nsat:tng
of 'Mrs . Joht1 E. ., navis. Mra. Samuel w. W>lllk&r., MarSo,.. a. w., Johnson
emi 13essie Piles." to r a:tse the The first
ren:d&:t>ed by tn1s of ladl.-es was &J.te<l Oetobe:r lOth, and
a.nnoune.O. that they had. raiSed l;,.ooo p-$$0& A bu.ilding wa:s
t>ented on 1st u..lle de C<1l5n l!o. 9t smi the school. aotu.aJ.l;r Y1
starte-d en 5th, 1894,. with Mtt-'4' w. M. ':JI'(lggs,rt liS \ \ \
first Prinuival. Mrs. Files agreed to teaeh kindel""grten wlth<!lut
any ttal.a:r;r.. list' kind:Wi"':garte.n was bmq
who baeQIW Mrs. Pt'U"kas,., eont!nu$d .aa
a me:mber G-f' t-he .faeult:y !'Ql"' man,,-
About 1.897 .. lifr. T. a. H:asttrm was el-e()t'$d Pl"e$1de-r:t . on
SWtelllll02' l\}tl:! l!98, l!l'.r. CM:I'les E. was eloot&d
the Botlrd aoo ''ll'f!JrY shortly- Witt$ Pr&sident * .9
-.ueeese c:t the C'i t,- SohoQ;l was du:e.,
firat. to the o ... the Ariil&r1ean. .Colony .as tt whole,
but greate&t crad!t $hould go to: tr1rra , Files,. ftra.t
t&aeher, ant\ !Jr . J"ohn R. Davis:_, the -o.l'iglnal
Unsettl.ed 1n Ull!ted States 1899-1900,.
due t:c the S:p1.tin!$h $1'1eu War and e-alUt'&s, had a vef:7
.Qf'fect on the Col.otQ' 1n Mexica and henee
up:On thE} sehoal 1 t$el
and suitable t'$ niS
Pupils we-r& ff!JWe'.P W&l"'& jOJVc.,
. .
Tor tlal r'ies thsm the sdll;):Ol
Mr. J. H. Cox-n}'n to take over the school and run it,. and. any
ln.come other than that- needed for tbe :t';, $Xp&1ls waa to
he g1 ven to Nr. Co-rn}'ll. The scho-Ol ma<Vt>-d to No. 15 Indt:wtria
Street which was e o:naidera'bly larger lUld had t;h& ad:vant ag& of
having s playttround. an.d a f'i&ld. 'rbe 'butld1ng$ re-
furnished to n:u:Ui:a them !}roper for a .sehoo'l .
From the i'i:rst.- the school pro'Spered in its new home.
A boa:rding wa.a added,. whieh beca111a popular, and
1t was necessary to rent thre ho:u.sei!a for- boarders: - two
for boys and one fo.r girls, and students r om .all parts or
the Repu.blle.. 'rh.e boarding Department wnotlllt ad to about ;0]6 or
the total enrollment ...
In 190.2 a High School waa added and tr:te;l.e o:f tite school was
changed to that of The 1!ex1co City and High :School. In
' - t a
1905 the st-M'f consisted of' 27 teachers. and the attendance
ran between 1+-75 500. During this :p eriod
a m111 ta.ry department
waa organized anr1 all the boarding students wore uniforms . Several
military instructors were brought down rrom the u. s.
In 1904 reX!co autfeped an *Pidemie of scarlet rever and
.afterwards this 1HiS foll'owed by a.:notl'ler one o
Many of the student-s were
' .
reorga.u1z.ed,. In a . .ettl1
' Hr. Cornyn part of' t
office uring me x)reeedtng four years.
An Grga.niz:ation ealled th.e kmerlcan Seho,ol.
was formed :tn April; 1905. !!any of the ' w-ell kno:wn Americans
who w.ere 11 v1ng her& -.t that time had a J:tat-t in thi's

Among them :w&re ,. Charles E .. Cummings,., J. Du."lkei"l.y,
J . A. llent'Irylf t>aul. t!ud&on and K ... _s ... van Zendt
. Jr. All the
pre11m1nfll"Y e . for or the American School
Association we-re by American Soci:ety, wa..s head&d
at that tim& by "P.,
;. Cook. The .f'irst ort1cera elected
were Paul HUdson,. rettident,. He.I'll7 W,. Sec:r"'etar1'. a.nd
The school was housed in 6ol.on1.a San Raf"ael , at Ind.ustr1 . .JJ

No. 15. nd it 1905. with an enrollment
of bout So Am$r1ean and English students. All grades#< f:J>om
kindergarten t:b.rough high sehoof, wflre taught. The school
co tinuil4 to gtro: . . and they had an e.verag$ attendance 1n 1912
e 276
In 1911., an auxiliQI'y and first Sfitde
school w<as opened 1n the Colonia RO!Wl and was at.tmuled by
about 30 """;':;
l.9o8. to 191.4, the school was v-ery fortunate in
haVing a :moat eapabl- Wtr. w .. H. Lyneh,
he added . ,grant to th& e.ff'ieiene7 and .sue.cess of' the
. ..
By 191 sever l. other nationalities had d th
end in addition to the Juneritlruls and U"&.xicanss- we
had German . a, Dl!:"it1shers,. Frnch, Swedes $lld
The of'f'1eer.s of the Bna:rd, 1n 191.5. .. E.
Cummicngs., President; I . H. Jaeabs
Seoret.s.ry and J., E.
As tne attendance in the high tlchool for 1915 was
onl7 1.0; the higll s chool was di.scont1nue
On tta7 8t 1917,. Mr. Jacobs moved that Chae . E.
Cuamin - b.e appo1nted Honorary Pres.ident of the ..Am.erican School.
Associ.ation in view of his constant a.'lld 1ndispe.nsabls aervic.EJ&

sinee his eleetiO:tt to the Boal;'d o *'J:he Mex1eo City Gl."& &l.'1d s.chool.. )tr,., Cunnnings s-hould be c.alled the Father of" the
o-ther members of the .American Colony deserve
praise for the work they did at this tjme,. and special cr -edit
should b$ giv&n to Mr .. . T .. E .. Denn!aon., who fo:r many years Vi&$
'Trea ure.:r{t .and t-o. Mr; a.. R., Bradbur7_,. th& only one of' the old
erowd vtb(J. 1s on the ' Doard. ll:lr.- Bradbury has served
s1nee Mdist of thi.s time he has been an off1ce:r',
and h& i .a now ex .tJ:rea$ure:r- and 1s still
On 26th 1921..,. a meeting was- e a lled in
, ! \

- 5
. off" oCt O:f OOS'i!.eree., tG .hi
. n or t- lmtat'1ean invito<\. and 1t
_. c1d&d t. tqui.dat_ the . a!ld the lr'1ean Sohoot
'i )
" Ql"G 1lloo on J'Ul.7 19th
t G. suec4t d 1 t . .An
. at <il"tt\'Jn up to all the _
.... ilt . ot tb$ t .o .th4l tor t
or $2,5(}0 '"ou. . hflt:vtu& no c n, ; ..
t . n\lt$ tor- 'th1a . t1.)];t Wl.ieh -.ecept
1n .Cull :tater en,: thiit or the etock 1n :
Aasoo1atio).l tn1 note to t eebOQl . 1'b.e<
of ba4 m part bl tf-.14 }<>a- A. \

SO tlla"' t!>e r-1oan Sehool ooul.d b
ca_1t 1 1th" th !':!rat a.Jla[,
t __ ... 00 pe$0t1 but a t w monthe l>; :tot' thls $d
to 1l1ch u. thti.t n.r fient es .. 'rh'U .muowt
sub er!'bod nntl donBt-ed to tb(l bJ thQ
msm: . r , ...lO that CC.t$1St{jd ot F. W. _,. R., G.
u. s., 't-'lo .t ca ,.,
" G.

A. . ,.

prillC1pa.l obj.$.et to lla'-1 .. t - po. e1 l:r e ., .
eop1e4 .G.ft&r t he moat eu.eeQeftll i.."l t.h lln,1te4
ue!ng 't:h$ aaue and m.&thods that ... 'Wtcd & ..
g1v1n_ t ll! eb11dren ot Amer1oane
o-ther 11Qt.J.onal.lt1es: aa oppoJ"tu.n1t:r of ,tt.andhlg t:tta
tr they :$0 d:esh- ..
Tb1& 1 tb. . st .
outu1d tb$ thut.tld &bat&-s., _ lt 1s t.lle onl7 -
a-r:e to the 'Ut11V&r:U.ti0a b tlle
from then. s 4 to nUl"' f eulty and -tho

tl"k at'e t it.'- l&$'t. 1m:poot_. .rua-t
fl. a&Oc .. _ . 1"-ehof4 tfOttld .

With th'it ot the high 1SCb()ol.tS or tbe u. s:. . JLL; Jr')

ll.EJAy of J'OU. hav a matak&n or who owns' th!
Am&rican. School. sehool is not b'S' th"$ Amer.iean
It .1.:s a pr1 vate enterpl"i<"a fUld is not conttected
with any nn1 ver'Sity
1t has never roo.eived
on <e-ent, d!rectly Gi- lnd1r.ct1y, !rant tho Gov rrmteut .
It 1 not tt$ many 1f$0pl thi.rak, by the- meriee.n *
'but by a s:t'<>U:P of ..'1-d 1Miv1d\'mila who bava subs-erib.ed
to 1t.
\VOO gives the ,f>chool 25 or llK>r&:.t not w
is 'Wb.o
dotts.tea p&$0'$ or more an ho-nortn7 l!'.&m'ber. From
thettD' tl:-0 C. ef lnt:rt.ibersh1.p 5 a fOUI4dfli" mOOt' bip has
.form n. ot ;o me!D.bera. tfhaao nr-e. el.eeted ti:>l:
li! and ttte1r function ill to hold an antlUS.l
and; t:>lE:let -6()!t of the Board of have- trw right
tu att nd all meetings and ue eona' b7 th&
Board of !:r:uetees ltben matters of g:t'eat tmpol?'tmlCJ& psnding..,
In 19ZllJI th.$' Americ CJOlOnJ paid me tu _
gr at of electing ma n aeb04Jl
m t I told }TQU about the' ae.bool t$
up, to :b. 1nt hu e1 . b&e:n teken out of the
old reeords Qr teltt to me. by the di.ff'e:ren.t :m:emb$r.e or tn&
Amer1aan Colony .. but the 1nfot'1llat1on f_'!'orrr. h&l<e on has all
happ ll$d l been 0:0. tb.e $-chool a.nd I knoW
bout it 'than I do the p.a.;a.t 'JO'
Wnen tha new Board to

they .found
di tnctG;., One was that tlle:r had bt15
and prutie.all7 no asse.te... tl'6&<md_, that very mo,nth tl:J$7
th&y W&t'$ lo 1ng mo-nsy nd. tW,:r d, that the
they r wt1nfs . as not euitnbla f or a 6nA
1 t _as not in tbe part o.f town to. attrnct the'irG
th t the ..
A fl!: t y-earit a eireu l!nQlln .& tb.b ttorrh
Cireua" wett t.o t;t"'s.vel e.l_l ove of' &1V1llg
&MJ!. u.r a. lfbey tll :e.-y:& bade; a.s;$on in Cit:f
" ou.ld f'i'W'l tbre or !our od they bad a
:a:beut twc bl<lekll ot e.-. poatoUlc _ ls
an. un:IJJ,uel t'-hovi 1 t n d a rtns
.-nd d-eo Jl V-efrl 1.-.s tas,e. 24oh u-sd ta 'hrtns:
to- Ituico th$ b-.0&-t .v1ll.$' mtd e!Jreus tal-eRt that th'fby
ttould and tO.U> snn was: th$ htsttmdi-11'1
we l' ttao.
)'eaftl a l:fd'ge ch.tw1t,- ball use-d to
&t- ona tlat7 mon,ec71 fi
this Btlll to. tn. An<!
- om.v.Jl . -- -
Ev&rJ'M$ U.S:$4 to 'tne ballJJ.. 'lbe:y l.'UlJ;Qtil tiO-
r.nle :a-nd amao f:Jt th<a 'ftf-1'7 blab !
c!Ul whiJn tbe -Am&;r:1 cGn the. out-
A:mert can .#O'Ci:a.l rune t1on. ot' tbt$ s.!"""'
!rhe of tb.ia circus w.era t-.o b th$r.a
Tb&:f d1d a balan-oing G:et-. one fd tn.$ btrothEJrs w'fls
the ottm-r* W*, 0n"1n
ago Qad :- . ard Orrtn eo-n>tt.nud th$ eho-..
On ot .S.n bl th!At $.how 1'fas a lru.Jst
D1ek lee-ll..., B-$11 ll.ti4 A V.,l*J l&J"S f amil7
.or :most ch1ldl"&n. _ I tb1nk tll&r-e _ 16 of' _ t'blml_.
and eaeb nt wae able tt> play .ema& rnusieal .... t
Attar b'>At Onbl W"61tire& the tn Beill f"ail)'
tt Wl-4 for mall ,.:ti'-8 tu CaeQ3 t .rav.ell64
it itJ 1ntftrssttn;g to th.e of tn.-e.
l!:i&e.J stella. 1:a now a 1n th:!:l e-ehoo1-:
At tbs.t 'tbm did not ba-v$ tho dUftar'ent
she n-o bs at1 \he.r-a ._&$ a man :ma.m.M &I"., Pdro 'Who
bad._ ranch that more Q1" Ave.,tili1d
Avent.d&. . to -thi.& is :aow
si:t\lata4- "ft4s;. bae1e:nd . was atreet.e Sl.ld ma4&
tnto th Colonia and thio ba$ beeoma a vef?
blpor'tant part or the '4}1ty. Mr. Orvin ...
ltr' Lnt.. L ere propr:1$to!'fi
or thia
AS 'Mr .- Ol' wtts a pe.J">&Otl and ae h.$ -u
!n,tve.flttfd in. hOcsp1Uls and be st)nt,
to tllB C:olo-ay in J'Ul:'J o 1916- that he
w1111l1g tb give 'B. hAl.t blcck ()f 1tmtt an
. 1t tb .
a bttildin . ., A. call.&tl flt tho Ameriean 01
\J ' '
$bortl7 t:, and many ot the
inoluMna ii'J3S.f>lt 4tttended. . ve'I.'J
v$1s p:nt us a eo:mmttt." wtt:h . G&.o .... J.
fUi C!1P01nt&d to sse o0uld b$ . . t'kJn-a. Mr.*
Grr1ri in b1s that the: bQt14i&l would have.
W!tbiJlt & sp'&eif1ed or llts. would
liS t s b ppen:d tbt1 f'il'?iiJt. World Wat-,,, it Wl:t$
vt;,rJ:y d1ff1:e,ult. til-$ C4ltm'f to eoacentrat on G.7""'
thing til& ar, mlQi ur -. Orr'1n*, ot . .a not aceept 4.
ln mr. s.,
At tllbau:t tbi:J t .1m$;;> a.s .had to. be 4<:tTN19 w
..., S;t)CUJ? .a &td.kbl& bu1ld1ng, 'lfff:1 h1i'tndabip tdth fijp.,
L$wf.s ee'lected 'b7 ttl&
to call m3 end $eM 1f' he not. f!d:'ft!
t.-e. Wh'$n .I called l tonlld t .hflt ns was
annO.:re4 tMt his O:!t&:l! nat bQn and th$t n.
had very l.S.t"tl<e 1n tt.. Aftti:r
v1tJita,. tlUld 11ltb the h'$lp or l.-$w15 &nd oth'flr& .of
-Hr . orvina tt?iend Orrhl f1n:allJ :A)on;&4nted t.o, .m1v.l ,
t.b1a lmd, but- he t$ted. v:er, that ould oru;J do
.it with ta0- that the. bu1141nl tt<Hlld biJ:
and hb ag;r I wtm!d
tbi:I 'COrtdt we evr1e4 out .
When 1utt t'mal:lt &Ua4td, in Januar1,. l9:2'Z. it put the An.teM.e.n
in t1 Vo$1."':![ d1f''tf:lx>>Gnt pos1 t:itm they thtm
J\ for f"ire.t 'ti,'lm.l re-.1 uHt.- th0 . .. th--at
w&re nago'tt.ati.DS with Ml".. orrin., .. L&w.u Lum draw1ns
tiP a plan ot thiD building -.nd Wa$ atarted 1n
nd. 6'n 22ndi!' 1922" tbe laid.
the Amar!ellQ we: lltm&. was fOc.llowed by a.
'3'&1"' lr'J Yi1lbur P. fir. Sa11lluel w.
B:zder f.\S tn of: th 1$ a.nd wr- m&<l'S
$ft. .
by him Uti by lU,(Hl:'d.o l"eprQ$ntad ...
Jotiie Vas.OQ:aeol':.J'Ii: the 1Un1st-&Jr 'Of l!duetl:t1on:t J!r... Prcde:riek
w._ 'l()<t\l..lj; ,_ Presid.&nt,. told about the of sehool
hat tr,-ing to
, rut ll'epr &a-.tlt d by l s t L. t . Wi 4
the Seeond Mr. and b.j.. Act ins
Comf:lltue Ferris Jr.. Gtiit<t,. J'GB -' R;ran,, u. s.,
r tir-ed ott'icer_
mad& the fina l and h4it 1mpr$s4.ed the'
impOt>tee Of' he,"lng .lui$l"1Cllm IJC'b.OOl!t U (!"i-eth I , s;;J,J/:.
Ff:)l.l.Ow!ng thls., l[r., Orr in the cornere:tt>n$,. , \ .
' .
. t tnat ot MP.
F., W.,

R. . L$'tl!.s,
2nd \"i.e ll.., R., SecHtar7, -an4
S. 13-. Wrtgnt The af the 1!-oa.rd
lJel..&'Olt o*' Rhodes,._ :Geo. 'W .. Cook:; 'Wright,
f't ,
!'. G. V., S .. G .. ! ,., B. Jacolls#'
Vi. De\lr.eas !L R"'. Uall .
Su.pertn.t.eadent 1:ti tite MW 'Was ,
Prtlt. Fl'"wiok - L()fo ,
I?y ve-ry hurd_ a-nd I..wnm
ttn1ab.ed t he (.}f thi hu.tl41q. ,an4 on Oetob&l"
;t: ,_ 192lrJ; tile. .S<th{)Ol Q,P$ll00 1n tbe:S$
Ur , CF:t"'1n* a g1it con.a1s'ted or 1,l\l4.' 'This
tt1eed on SM Lu1.s f'otoa! ,. Adj()ining 1t wa :fifitlOth
3,1.4>3 metew.s that did not to. th Gobool,, and 'Mr .. Oll'rln
t-J.m tb t the should
,_ :; ....
' . .
day ... 0 agl'eed t.o put uy tb.G n e sary OfJ::th t() buy
tl1is f&r .us.

... , . ,;:.
oo.t of 1.. but he., ttr. Cook Md
. - . . . . . .
)'l, ,... .,..
advaneo('1 us so t,l:ta, sehoal could be .f'.1 niti:bed. In
, ,. !.
v.r . ov:e:d the e
' .
:During 1922-23:, e12;,.000 p-e:a 'Wtl.$ $Uhueribed
... . . ..
'to tho'l. In 1923-, Orrin pdd r&., ttnd ..
thee 1'\lOne"" they advaneod,. &nd th& sav$ !:!' .. Orrin a
mort.gaga JUly
16. 1926.' mut:.h to our sorrow, "''ir ... died befor(; th
, . ue, a.nd Septf)mber

lie a very tlsd.
' .
day t-or- the Jt"neriean S-chool. On that te the School l<>S:t
o oi !ttt 'b&st fJ!l!enaa orrtll
tbe sehoc>l year or 1921J.25
the p111d
Orr-1.n tlB,.9+5 ptlsGe,. a balanne or "18-o,o o
t1nal th1e was mad-e ,the eek
2Znd . nd l?<!6" .1 th
- .
COlltJUl .. A. \l., 1'-e<isl.l,. as SU
' 1. i
tam:;f -an-d tb ao e. 'll.a u-'fh.e
. '
'fith t>ews, Capt 1Jll R:oo Plua _with
A. E-. 1ntd.f'! rul , # J .. 3 ..
' - .

? G .... Ca.Pt.i'dn -and ttTn t'Jul1
. .
' .
On tt.&$e t ms not 01ll7$>1'-ietmtJ but al$0
.. .
mone; taania &.nd
got the
Al teams raised abQut
-u -
tr> tbe: tq. oall. 'n., 4!t4 a ta f!Jf th$
call'td t:he larger- 11l41v1dua1&. fbtt:J
tt1t mdl"t"t&mlts- whO vault! nt\'t ttl erk on any t.em:t
'but that th\\y ould g$t !r.t tolltib with. f'rlend& Md
in the Unit:ed St-at-e$'# t\l'ld tld.$ group raiae:di
over $ peao1ih One or the -t mtm. in thts
F .
gro-up 'Dt P. hf . a :r !'Pot\ Ctt,-
wo :al15o bad an o1"t:1e 11'1 Jl-e Tit . Ederd L,.
to $107 000 pos ..
1fi"'. Sel.'et.-r o the:

V&l!"f and his nit adviee
"""Ubh tl:ds d.r1 ve.,
to: tha verry e.ffie:t&nt of :Mr. hdd$ll
all those no M$1$t.Gd him,. 31:86,460 wa
, - 550 600 :and
i ndividuals ;$Ubacr1bad t.his and the: ths;t 'Vt$
have and tJ::u,,y the Who this sch>Ool.
The 1f'$;N ot: the Clf!lm.e- but 1i
g1 V.'Eltt by th t:&Jtieans,
i tiscG.
& thing 1rl tt1th thl: b:iw
raa th..:a"t tlt metl Wd- got the dor.$t1otts al&O .. $
t{) b .. "COlleet(>X'"4* tb'$ tm'b$t'1ptton.s, are
ve-ry On !tal*eh ?lt., $100,000 W&$ paid w
the eatat: , on .J"u ;o-tb an $80,.000 .
. a$. p&id:\f' 11qn1dat:ed. tn& in .full.
To th$$ -flul l .ll <WAe to '06rTo
from 'Jllii$- Cl ty lltmk!ng CQt .. Dn '$ ovD $-6 ;,000
Wbl:eb 11;,._ t..

Pr:d .. deta;t
ve-,.y k1n4l:y CO.G$\Jnt-.4
t ...
To btl p;wt-.etly trMk; lt baa reJ!U"'s stM
tln:f tf1t the 'boer4 had

and thiU'e
- l.O..,
u ed to tell me very I a: :t1 b.hta tha.t the aehool. snould
buy tn. ;t before ale b(m;ght tt. As tre wm;te
r..a-vins dt:rtieulty ra1stng s:u.ffie!ftt mo .. y to k$_, the
ork go!ng on tl bu1ld1n,th Vi:l Oto-"4ld not buy it, nd
on.e day asreed t:o put t:tp th$ n$lf.Ul sary oash tor 'bur
th1 land fflr us . tho wo:tk const&"'ltly
F.a.n- out (J;f Iru).n&y, but Mr. 111 . ., Cook M-d t!r ...
advanced ua money ao S{"thoal could be !'1 n:i&b*'d. In
Oeta,ber the$$ three t't))B.OOO :?.OSos tor 't
and land.. ,
0 )-\:'-
19:!.22;# ;tU.!actJ:.ea:Ry p-.& stlht\cr1bed
to the sehOul... ln 1923, Mr. Orrin pdd and 0-GO'k
th t;'1on$!f tb y had advane , Gn-d thoc gav.$ O:rl"in a
mortgnge fo'11' pao . Th.i;Q due July
1611 1926 ,. lnUch to O'Ul"' sorrow, .. or.-r!n died b:afoH tl: _
e.a:rne duG., Gnd Scpt'J. bet 19.25 wa v .l"'f $ad
day for Al riegn Sehool. On tb.Qh th& scho-ol
'0 e ot its b'():St trlnda $Shinston o:r-:r-:tn
a :y*'
th: -:rear of the $.ef>..nel pa:id
}!r-lt Orit-:lt);{J
a; of' $180,.000 p
tln 1 dt-1"1tt fer th1tJ :a:mount watt ,(l;u:r111i the week
be:ginn1rc Pe'bru4'U7' 22tt4 en4tns 27'th. 1926. w1 tb
LU-., A., \1.,.

-U Clnl1Pmarh Sk:
tttl'fi te..ama 11 ... au.a. Dl'
with Captain; 'fu R0n Plua trltlt411-B;:
E. mrdr rus oaJ} J .. J.
"fb T1-l'lt
." ? ... 0 .. Ch,e , "-Tb hll Dogs_.
'W1 th E. R. Nice- a Capta-in.
On tt:&Sii tms not onl'f b-ut el.$()
:a o nt$St a:mone; th. too-m -e.nd 'The ;ughta.
go-t t n-e s t-e$test 1\Qttnt .. lt0g&thll'!l' tma& t l''ai89d a'bout
$60,,000 SO!ne t he 'blsgfl'trt ]) tte:,tt& !'$t Gilt>. ,
- lZ ....
gr"'a.t de4l thQt a mO'&lrl'l bt111ld1ng l:'e-quir(:)ld tbat.
did t or Jti thou.t .e.ny
o . kntMi ,g b.Qcl.dti b<l butlt. did.. the
job b eould'* Ws lataP ftS.ll'1 thil'lg$ batt
be-e.n le:lt out" 1Jat :lt.r. that thf:l bulld..tng.
;oin$ t<> t.\Qd m&Cie t.h and tn.
11alls atrong o that tJto:r:r could be
b 1St '*P to the StatDs and gat nm.ny plane ot' m.od&J>n
school end :Mr. Q plan showing
to be don-e to wing w Ul' yo the aame ste:n.dar& ti$
thee in. 11. s . A:tt did not &ny
money-, was tc:r- f.Oa:Pfif11 Finally. .. and he to tinMe.e b\l:ilding Gt"
il:i$ond in th$ To s1v.0 tW the pJ?orHu kind o't a
l.ibr ry.
t>i' thfl echool :t"O<J!Il$ M tha t'irat Cloor
bu.1lt into room.. OM &nd o &econd. 4tol"y wa:$
intey l aesembly h 11., :rt ne er the t s
int _ ntion to !il:S: o-ur assfblribly h!l-11., and <m thfJ$
that W$re u.p. b7 ltr. Lmtlm be<fortf the wox:-"t was sturtad
t:hi$ hall tl'lSit _ --! nJ>-e now it! as but not built
tor th$ 1-a"Ck or .
\ll:i n d.ll'iv 'ff:&a made. r-. th(t $ P"'sos, _ tl1.$
.Board Qt Dire.etore th Anleit-1eftn Colony that 11' they
wrtU:ld. donatee toot they W-6uld n.ot be asked to h lp th$
st.hPol ag-41n, bG$ beefi kept. !t "Wl.lS w:t t:h
.. lAma. tlla whel't h& up tbA $'$tHJild M -would
to 1 t until the> eGuld pr:f i'd.til ott't or t.heir
At_ o-ne tui'fl, tl20,J)OO pereos 1n:veste4
mad I .- ver-z bPJ" tt) 'fO:U that el 1 t took the
ac.b'oQl )'Rrs., pf;Imf of' th1s nt.Ol.'l&'J was
ttt mr . ...... ttm---e he p;a.aed a\Vq.,
Oll Ulad,_, F-ebt*a t'7 l']2t(., tb$ two birlU!J& p1$ct$<S
tnat :;;au lfhe.n -y<>u eome t\p on& fr l!r. Ed'Ytttrd

this Ge<Nmonf, Co.nsul General Cl.(tttoo ! .
an Qnd Dr'* 1 ., V,., !n nroue o! th.e AJa$xa1o&n
I.Ja.gion. al&o Gen . Oh. m .. . \'ki.O wu tho
old$at of 'th$ bl$r1cusn. Col()tl'S a.t thtlt ttme,1 talked
abo't%t lU"', Onln Md Lamrtt
I a:m stir's -that oi" you. k:no111 tl':ult 1a" . ., bad
Hv.ral Mnee J!.nes.ed mray on .:raaJ.ul.:t:Y
Len Jr. has been in o.t all the eor.wtrt1on.,
He 'b\111t th9: Seieneo nnd ha is just no
ana. I am sur$ 1 t bas 'til& an a Lr"t ,jey f
b.ilD to be a'bl t() wild Q to h1$ fathel". -
. Ott A;pt>11 22!ld11 '19 t Dwi$bt ltorrow
Vi.$1t.$d School. He wns vary int$l"'eat.&d !Jl t'
... ,.... ..\:
1t $'mle of' h.!b.l child:!ten the "\.AJ...ff<p;;....
aaktJd Wht!.t llo coUld do t.o h&l.1? tha ael"-0'01 a:nd 1!8 w s told
that e.n nothin& esp,eoia.lly needed,. 'bt.J;t hia so.w that we
'e're build:tng o1d f>...all he vol.Wltaer-ed to .;;iva
$5.,0-00 WaS QSed to purchase !'Ol." it tUS.t
h . re now Th1s. donation VJaa $-cbo-Gl
.on loplf!1l th_, l92S:.,
ego a V11'It'f nttractive yGuns
1nd::fln t:e School, namad Nt1ncy Longan- Mast
. the $"Ch()O-l a aid t h at 1l r d.aught$r
h$.d 4$:r1ved so tnu.:eh joy out or tt$nd1ng the School
. '
t:ae:v .antell to ao tor the Behool ln her m&f11Qcy . It
bad been tne twv or yGU.r Board to fin1$h tbi.e &tlS$3llblJ
la. ll, nd 'Wb&n the !,.ongans oi'fGr$d. to zivt: \W a new
ma4e an w1th the111 that. 'WS tl" ha.ll
and eo just M ft:U! as we eould w1 th' the s-onay and toot
jut a.e &cwn as got any add! tl:>nal would continue..,
aa as e :e.ollld t1n!ah th .... s 'h.all we tul'n OV$l.'
th1a -.aa illW dra-wing anothell"' p0l?'t1on.
!:nt fotw. &ebQol roo_., a.nd the of it .,.$ tuned
to .... c .. Who at J.t into
$. n add1:t1on - Wm::my r;ost-ie: .
n.pertal'!ettt., IUld 1f 1\ny 'Jct'tt PSif"nts tmve not -&lle:n this
"o.u <:"t)t>d.ia\.17 1n'tt:1t4 to vistt sams. We
bi tb!S to ttltdt gtn mue}l
,., &vn some: or O.'liit ot tb$, d1

fhs-re ls fiU\other tnan hlia bad a tied
t-o & lf1 tb thG o S'ebo&l ., B:'$
}I'GtU:" S'inc-e. l.<)i.'h and n': <1:t 'th$
School 1B tho-ut the- wY"J 1W'Ol1'k
by fianlt'Y L . Ctl!n.,
c.1:1.d m.iJi'l:itwr of yr and p-f.\.$t.
bs.& r4d Q, :va:rt in or
Ther(t ar& dozonn ot and bo havf)- 11 ved wh-o do :U.V$
in CGlony who vro.rl{cd t-t:Jff too .o:r tnLa
s chool.. I .t wuld 't;a;ko ,grat de;el, ot' t t;o to
them,, tutd I _ 'P"'- t$ure moet of tba WQ>lll:dt tlltlt
tteltt nuec not be tbtit>,- g0:ve tha1r tim .and WO!l'Ited
tor th thtty believed in tn. and had
no 1.nt-e;re t in 11:/lf P6l"80114l glo:ry.
s-tU"" tll1e t-o the n.aes I haw
m.ent1oaea* <>t haw doa $0 Vf7 .w.b f'or
that as- l:01ag tb:e l bi'Jpf.l
1dll ba m:-.. Nld w. tel\goo. The Jlianey
Lang;m'l ;j>r. .....
t w . Ttl.& O.rd:a
! hopq that -e.h or tb$r
.a g:.rEI'n.t Gut Qf' h
do 1n !'he Setto<>l u v(fJ:y
ot TO:U.- ttnd l yO:u Will o4l wq$ th-e sehoo-l .
Tlr!ant,y ag-o the 13oard t>r of this: echcol.
I .
. a. P1"-mlt1tJ$,. . lib1 that ttna
school . . could b tt.n!shed. t em vtar"S happ7 '!IDnt . I ha1te lived
to e-ee this' pl"Qmi1i& fie that b1r,.
tamta did n'(tt to th1s .. ,
''.A)w0vv .c oJ,
In Wh$:n the- we.& butlt.,, v.,n,- ottn wr .
Orrin,: lb.' . :d would at b.-ere ;at t.hG .
. 'i ta$ed to tlT to up the eonstt>:taetion _;s mtreh. u p<)sa"1blJ
lU14 tr:y to '.UVrovements a bu!l.-41-ag s :..
$.t thlle& U.ttle meettnp. aid to me, day
you 111 -6oo tu&mt.s at'ten41ti.g thifl A I 1"'$gli'-..t tt . it.
fll'--.. Orrin 1s uot all this laat have not 6-oo
t!tl.ldt):r:da.t, 'but a f$\T than 900.
In t sse etu-da:nta h ;&VEt 2' nat!on&l1ti $fl. Tb s-; people b&.en wavk1Ui to:gether ani! playing tog$,
and they ave .frie:o<looip$ that 'fd.ll
"l:U'e,. They be.V'B' leflt'neds . ith tll 1s that 1a
Yf)'t"Y ll ttlo them,. of the flag
Ullder whiei.-. they Vi'ePe born.. llo n.tt61:!lpt hilS bean nw. da b7 rul-}"":-
one connected wlth t school to the t!. atio:rtal!t:y o.f
any of these we ltave tried: to tf).QCh them to be good
c1 tisens of 'Wllatev(Jil eotmtr'y they to. \i-e, have proven
that 23 ua.t!fJ *alit1t)'s c . .an l:Lve Mil e n 90'l"k tGae:tbe:rt.
and the ie pl"oud at h$'V:11lg t.belZ! th u&:., i
lt 1a or:d . . on that, i't f -or
and f a:thet't lt-$ 11vfl t.ogetheli'., wot-k * to olve
the1:r$ tog&th4 ehtldreltl ha"' W'<:mld ,all
le:rn that 1:s littl$ l:lS- tha't
"&ll l$Se the thing 1.n a.nd that.
s ifted to ., .or * th ,onl;r t h!na that
tb.1nld.ncg p e.l"Son., V& of nat:1onal1ty.. W:$I tJI in thin
ia to l.ive .,...nd let and it pO$&!ble to thvQl'l
tb$ nat to: on. a a e.me_ footing,_ roo have
l>Hn 1n thi$ $ Chool.- wouldn"'t Jif..:ll:f futllr-& Wt\rl

().)::,.1-u Ll . .
- \), QO.lJ'1 '"' A.

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