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Martn Albuja Business 01/10/2013

Political Factors Research These are the main political factors affecting different businesses around the world.

ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION: For example, Chevron has a certain rules in order to be part of the Environmental Regulation. EPA is the one that sees if the companies are being part or applying the Environmental Regulations stated by the Government.

TAXATION: Oil companies such as Chevron have to pay higher taxes because they are harming the environment more than normal organizations which dont handle oil.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE: Oil companies tend to do massive contracts with countries that need oil, so they pay the oil company to go and place a factory in their country.

COSTUMER PROTECTION: Big companies tend to protect their costumers by a set of rules introduced by the same company.

EMPLOYMENT LAW: Oil companies as well as other companies have to follow certain set of rules that are applied between employee-employer or vice versa conflicts.

GOVERNMENT ORGANISATION: This means when the Government organizes the enterprise and sees if they are following the rules that they set.

COMPETITION REGULATION: Competition Regulation is when a company tends to produce a better quality product to beat the competition and become the best in the market.

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