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Building the Dream Uploaded by friendlyprincess on May 20, 2006 Building the Dream Everyone has a dream or a goal

in life. Whether it is to obtain fame or riches m atters not but it is how we as individuals go about achieving our hopes and drea ms. It is in this that we derive great satisfaction in our successes as we stand atop the great mountain of achievement and look down on all that we have overco me. Obtaining ones ambitions requires work and perseverance, in the land of Cali fornia we seem to be surrounded with infinite possibilities as to what we can ac hieve, but many do not realize this and take it for granted as they flee to othe r places in search of their dream only to then realize that they had left it beh ind. In James Rawls essay California: A Place, A People, A Dream, Rawls gives his interp retation of the California dream, as well as identifies the paradoxes that are oft en associated with that dream. He says that The California Dream is a love affair with an idea, a marriage to a myth, a surrender to a collective fantasy. This tr ue because there is so much about California that can often at times seem surrea l. Los Angeles for example is the self-proclaimed glamour capital of the world; it is like a city-state with a huge melting pot of people, cultures and language s. People link its name to all Submitted by : friendlyprincess Date Submitted : 05/20/2006 Category : Miscellaneous Views : 445

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