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NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..

Verbs to describe daily routines Napi rutin Igk Read about Linda Taylor's typical day below and supply the missing verbs 1-30. Choose from the following: brush buy catch eat fall asleep find out finish get dressed get home get up go to go to bed goes off have breakfast have dinner have lunch have a break have a shower leave home lie listen to meet phone pop into read set start work turn off wake up watch TV

I usually (1) at 7.00 when my alarm clock (2) . I (3) it straight away and then usually just (4) there in bed for another five or ten minutes before I finally (5) . I go to the bathroom, (6) , (7) my teeth and then (8) .

I usually (9) - cornflakes, toast, a boiled egg and coffee - at about 7.40. While I (10) I normally (11) the news on the radio. I (12) at about 7.50. I always (13) Mr Brown the newsagent's on my way to the station to (14) a daily newspaper. I (15) the eight o'clock train to work and usually (16) I (17) at 9.00 and (18) at 5.00. At eleven o'clock we (19) for tea or coffee and I always (20) with some friends to an Italian restaurant just round the corner. at 12.30 - I usually go the newspaper on it.

I (21) from work at about six o'clock and (22) at 7.00. Most evenings I stay at home and (23) . Sometimes, I (24) my friends at the pub or (25) the cinema. Twice a week I (26) my mother for a chat and to (27) how everyone is. I nearly always (28) at 11.00 or 11.15 on weekdays, and the last thing I do before I (29) to (30) the alarm clock for the next day.


1 wake up 2 goes off

9 have breakfast 10 eat

17 start work 18 finish

25 goto 26 phone

NM Studio ..:: Angol tvoktats ::..

3 4 5 6 7 8

turn (it) off lie get up have a shower brush get dressed

11 12 13 14 15 16

listen to leave home pop into buy catch read

19 20 21 22 23 24

have a break have lunch get home have dinner watch TV meet

27 28 29 30

find out go to bed fall asleep set

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