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by Muhammad Sajad Ali -webmaster of

uk This a from article that i was working on about Shifa, its brief to the point the main article is much longer with References and needs more time to be ready. 1.(Read Ya Salaamu 125,000 to cure incurable diseases like Cancer or any other sickness) The secret of reciting any of the Names of Allah or the Wird/Duas below is 1st recite 11 time any salawat(durood shareef) then the Name in this example Ya Salaamu and finally finish as you started with 11 time salawat(durood shareef) 2a. Reading surah Yasin of water is said to cure 1000 sicknesses.Drinking the water in which this Surah has been dissolved cures one of a thousand types of illnesses, also reading Surah Yasin over of the water cures one of a thousand types of illnesses. 2b. reading Surah Fatiha 41 times, for 40 days (time between the Sunnah and Fard of Fajr, meaning ones read Sunnah of Fajr then read this 41 times) it is necessary to omit the breath pause in 1st 2 lines by join the mem to al-alhamdulillahi meaning one reads like this; when you read Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim at the point of rahim join with to al-alhamdulillahi rabbil in one breath, so you read: Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahimilalhamdulillahi rabbil the rest then is the say same to the end. this can be read 41 times and then blown into water to read each of the days add to same bottle of water. This is called Shifa-Healing water or Barakah-blessing water, when one or many people read Surah Yasin over water. 3. Six Verses of Healing: Ayat al Shifa1stAnd [God] shall heal the breast of the believers.( wayansurkum AAalayhim wayashfi sudoora

qawmin mumineena) Tauba 9:14 2ndMankind there has come to you a guidance from your Lord and a healing for(the diseases) in your hearts, and for those who believe a guidance and a mercy.(Ya ayyuha alnnasu qad jaatkum mawAAithatun min rabbikum washifaon limafee alssudoori wahudan warahmatun lilmumineena) Yunus 10:57 3rdThere issues from within the bodies of the bee a drink of varying colours wherein is healing for mankind.(yakhruju min butooniha sharabun mukhtalifun alwanuhu feehi shifaon lilnnasi) Nahl 16:69 4thAnd We sent down in the Quran such things that have healing and mercy for the believers.(Wanunazzilu mina alqurani ma huwa shifaon warahmatun lilmumineena) Bani Israel 17:82 5thAnd when I am ill, it is [God] who cures me.Waitha maridtu fahuwa yashfeeni Shuara 26:80A supplication of Prophet Abraham (a.s.) 6thAnd declare (O Muhammad) that [the Quran] is a guidance and healing for the believers.(qul huwa lillatheena amanoo hudan washifaon waallatheena la yuminoona) 41:44 There are a few method, of writing them and drinking the water one is; By means of some coloured liquid ,e.g. saffron water, these ayats are written in a bowl and the writing is melted by rain water the ayats for shifa can be written on a piece of paper by a person with ablution and the piece of paper be put in some water in a container. reference: Mawahib-i Ladunniyya. (Note: dont use normal ink, use eatable or drinkable water such as saffron water, rose water and not on normal paper, as the common sheets of paper contain chemicals, find non-chemical that is not

harmful to write on, or maybe a cloth could be used) 4. from Hadith RuqyaO Allah, Remove the Hardship, Oh Lord of Mankind, Grant cure, for You are the Healer, There is not Cure but from You, cure which leaves no illness behind [Sahih al-Bukhari] Imsahi al-ba`s rabb al-nas, biyadika al-shifa` la kashif lahu illa anta (Remove the trouble, O the Lord of the people, the cure is in Your Hands, and there is none except You who can remove it (the disease). Bismillah tarbatu ardana, bariqatu ba`dana, yashfi saqimuna bi`idhni rabbina (In the Name of Allah The earth of our land and the saliva of some of us cure our patient). The Saliva of some of us can cure the patient, which some of us is it refering to but the Saints of Allah whos Dua are answered and there Saliva is Blessed too. Thus getting a Holy saint Wali of Allah to put his saliva into water which you can drink which is also cure you or get a Blessed Hair of of the holy prophet (saw) and get that dipped into water and drinking that for a Cure. 5Visiting the blessed tombs of the saints and offer them a Sheep in there honour or reading 70,000 kalima and salawat in there Honour and asking to intercessed on your behalf for a cure or remedy a turkish Sufi master called Muzaffar Ozak read the Quran at some maqams-stations or tombs of saints in Istanbul after be childless for 20 years was blessed by having 2 children he mentions this in his book, the garden of Devishes. 6.Visiting and sitting in front of a Sufi master and serving him and having good adaab in front of them and looking at there blessed faces and asking for a Dua to be answered within your heart while in their presence and having Yaqin-Certainly they can hear your inner thoughts.

7.Calling on the Sufi masters of ones Silsila as the audience of this Email is mainly Shaykh Nazims mureeds ill explain: This is called , Call of Maadat-supportYa ilahi bi-hurmatika Ya Sayyiduna Rasullilah (saw)Ya ilahi bi-hurmatika Ya Abu Bakr asSiddiq (ra)Ya ilahi bi-hurmatika Ya Salman al Farsi (ra)Ya ilahi bihurmatika Ya Al-Imam Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (ra)..all the way down calling on all the masters of the tariqah to Shaykh Nazim. Other calls of Maadat- support and help for anything ..! Bismillah Bubuna Bihurmati Bismillah, Allahumma Agithna ya Giyath al-Mustaghitheen bi Haqqi Ya sayyiduna Rasul-lillah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,bi-hurmati Sayyidina Abi Bakr as-Siddaq,Sayyidina Umar ibn al-KhattabSayyidina , Uthman ibn AffanSayyidina Ali ibn Abi Talib,wa Bi-hurmati ya Ahle-bayt, ya Ashara tul Mubashara, ya Shuhada al-Badr ya Rijal al-badr, Bi-hurmati kulli Sahabah ikram,Bihurmati Ya Shuhada al-Kerbala, ya Tabiee wa Tab-tabi een, Bihurmati ya Sidi Abdal-Qadir Jilani. then other great masters tooYa ilahi bi-hurmati ya kaf haa yaa Ayn Saad,Ya ilahi bihurmati ism azimYa ilahi bi-hurmati Quran al kareemYa ilahi bihurmati kulli anbiyaYa ilahi bi-hurmati kulli awliyaYa ilahi bi-hurmati Nuri, Dhati, sirr Sayyiduna rasul lillah -Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ya ilahi bi-hurmatika (oh my God for the sake of) 8.Reading Qasida Burdah for its known to Curing the Sick, as this is How Imam Busiri, the author was Cured himself. 9.salawat Tibbi for healing SicknessAllahumma salli ala sayyidina MuhammadinO Allah convey Your Peace to our master Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammadinand the family of Muhammad

tibbi-l-qulubi wa dawaihabless him, who is the medicine and remedy for our hearts, wa afiyati-l-abdani wa shifaihathe health and healing of our bodies, wa nuri-l-absari wa ziyaihaand the light and radiance of our eyes wa sahbihi wa-s-sallimand bless his companions with peace. Example: One may combined all the above or some by read salawat Tibbi 11 times then Surah Yasin, followed by 6 ayatul Shifa finishing with Salawat Tibbi 11 times and then calling for help and support of the masters of the way in the manner as described Ya ilahi bihurmatika (oh my God for the sake of) and doing this by visiting the tombs of the sufi masters too and also in the presence of ones Sufi master and asking him to blow into the water one has read Surah Yasin once or really 41 times over a period of time or getting ones friends and family and reading in a sitting were the water has been read over and then mixing the water up to get all the blessed water into one bottle to extra power then taking that to ones Sufi master and also getting them to blow into it for Shifa-healing.

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