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Sebastin Chavez-Ferrer Julio Alberto Luna Pacho Vctor Vaquero Gmez

Objective & Contents

To explore an unknown map using the following

Frontier labeling. Greedy algorithm for finding the next goal. Unknown area discrimination for goals.


Frontier Labeling
Connected-component labeling algorithm Dynamically generated frontiers Publish a marker in each frontier centroid

Greedy Algorithm
Navigation strategy applied
Transformation from relative to absolute coordinates

(TF listener).
Calculate the weight and centroids of the frontiers. Filter small frontiers to avoid errors. Look for the closest frontier. Select the goal

Goal Selection
Centroid can be in unknown area.

Not always feasible goal

Goal Selection II
Solution: median point of the frontier Check free points on the perpendicular line to the

median point, at both sides of the frontier (yellow and green markers).

Goal Selection III

If still unkown candidates

If robot does not arrive to the goal:

Try random point surrounding the centroid, until one falls into the known area.

Patience: read the moveRobot function answer, if robot cannot reach the goal after ten times


Almost all the map is explored
Threshold in the frontier length recognition for

avoiding small room and simulation errors (look through the walls.

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