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Petition Against the St.

Louis City Smoking Ban

We, the undersigned St. Louis City business owners, employees and residents, oppose the St. Louis City Smoke-Free Air Act of 2009, currently under consideration
by the Health and Human Services Committee of the St. Louis Board of Alderman, which bans smoking in St. Louis City bars, restaurants, VFW Halls, union halls, work
vehicles and private clubs, yet allows smoking in St. Louis City casinos. We urge the Health and Human Services Committee to substitute for the smoking ban a fair and
reasonable sign law that requires all St. Louis City food and beverage establishments to post with clear and obvious signage their smoking policies.

If you own a business, work or live in St. Louis City and oppose the smoking ban, please sign!

Name (print clearly ) Signature Date City Business, Work E-Mail Address Ward #
or Home Address

Return completed forms to Bill Hannegan, 5399 Lindell Blvd., (314) 367-3779, by Sept. 1st

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