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The very foundation of interpersonal relationship is the interaction of two or more people expressing their behavior towards one another, or how they deal with one another. Dealing with people is not an easy task. It can make one person successful or fail in accomplishing the task he/she wants to achieve and it is a challenge to face. It is also a significant factor, to know how well a nurse can influence the patient in fulfilling the goal. An interpersonal relationship between nurse and patient varies on the work relation. It tends to grow gradually, as nurse and patient get to know each other and become comfortable with each other, or they gradually deteriorate as they drift apart in cases of patients discharge and move on to face another change in their lives. The interpersonal relationship is not permanent and stable. The only concern of the nurse is how the patient improves his/her present situation physically and emotionally. It is a creation of greater understanding and patience in the interactions of the nurse and patient. In most instances, interpersonal relationship between nurse and patience starts by building up rapport of getting to know, become acquaintance due to the impression of trust and care expressed by the nurse to the patient. The relationship may continue

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because of mutual dependence and established trust or it may deteriorate because of boredom, resentment and dissatisfaction, or the worst scenario, in case of death. Healthy relationship are built on a foundation of secure attachment and are maintained with love and purposeful positive relationship behavior, were according to C.R Snyder and S. J. Lopez, (2007). There are important factors to consider in establishing an interpersonal relationship. Among these are: Communication which is essential because it is the basic understanding between nurse and patient in terms of relaying information. The mutual understanding of what, how, where, when of information to be identified should be clearly given. And an open criticism should also be considered without having negative impact on the nurse and patient relationship. Becoming honest to every situation is more likely important to improve the situation. Criticize if it is needed or make an appreciation if there is something good that happened. In this way a more cooperating environment and work success is expected; Treat each one with dignity and respect no matter what social status they belong. Demonstrating Respect is the most important interaction a patient and nurse can have. (S. Healthfield). Respect is not given it is earned. To deal with patient must be with full trust and confidence that something positive is going to happen; another is Trust; it can be earned by expressing ones openness and honesty. Trust is the foundation of effective communication and interaction. When trust is established everything becomes easier to do, an easy motivation in accomplishing the task.

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Background of the Study

The interpersonal relationship of nurse and patient is essential to the study because it the basis of knowing and determining how good is the environment or situation within the area of work place. It is the interaction done between nurse and patient in different aspects, in terms of communication, patience, service or care, dignity and respect, trust and confidence. Nurses play an important role in health communication. They are the ones who are always in close contact with the patients. Having effective communication skills and being able to employ them in communicating to the patients is very essential for every nurse. A nurse must be able to communicate effectively to the patient, its family and their co-workers, as well. It is important for health care personnel to understand the doubts, fears and the anxieties of the patients who come to them for treatment. It is equally important to talk in an understanding tone to those who have not voiced their fears but are obviously scared. Patience is also essential in dealing with hard headed and unbeliever patients especially when the patient is suffering and in pain during medication and they tend to refuse taking medicines anymore. Nurses feel a sense of accomplishment when they give a positive influence on their clients health status. Learning experiences with simulation offer the nursing student an opportunity to further develop knowledge, skills and critical thinking abilities prior to practicing in the clinical setting.

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Understanding a patient situation has a great impact on the improvement of their physical and mental status. The nurse has a greater understanding on how to make the patient feel comfortable and at peace with the anxieties and pains the patients are into. This is the situation where nurse gives help and assist the patient with compassion and care in every medical treatment. How the nurse respond to the immediately need of the patient. Giving due respect to the patient and making them feel their own dignity is also important. The nurse plays an important role in this aspect where they give their greetings with a smile and performs their duty with modesty. In view of the interpersonal relationship between nurse and patience, the nurse can easily relate to the situation of their patients in terms of their know-how and further study of their illnesses. And they can easily influence the patient to become cooperative and independent in fulfilling their rehabilitation.

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