Annotated Bilbliography

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Nasrah W. Gill Mrs.

Hensel 18 September 2013 English III CP Annotated Bibliography: Abortions Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States. Google. Guttemacher Institute. Wed. 18 September. 2013. This article is impressionably informational because it discusses some of the possible reason why abortions are visualized. The reason some women and most teenagers lean against abortion because its to solution to not handling the responsibilities of parenthood and family life. Three-fourths of the women who decide abortion confess that they have a concern for the responsibility for another individual; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say having a child will interfere with work and/or school. This article from the Guttemacher Institute is reliable because it states that there is a higher percentage of women in the United States; those between the ages of fifteen and seventeen who choose to get abortions. This source separates its self from my other sources because it gives me the numbers and statistics of women who have abortions. This source gives great information, but displays more charts than anything. This article fits into my research paper because of the extremely helpful information given. This article was more than helpful when it was giving me facts pertaining to women get abortions and where the ages range from. This article has gave me clear understanding of why people make the choices they do. I also learned that some people really dont have as choice as to if they can have a child or not. Information for BC Teenagers about Abortion. Pro Choice. Action Network. n.d. Wed. 25 September 2013. This article informs you of knowing all the necessary steps of getting an abortion. The point of this article is to answer any and all questions most women and teenagers seem to have when abortions have to take place and/or have to be an option. Most women have abortions during the first 12 weeks of their pregnancy and they can also be done as early as you want them to be. Surgical abortions can be done upon request are the fifth week of a pregnancy. This source was very useful to me because it answer majority of my questions that I had. Such as, Can abortions be painful? How much do abortions cost?If I have an abortion, can I still have children later on? This source is different from my other source because it answers import questions and gives extremely good information pertaining to those questions.

This source was very useful because not only did it help answer my questions pertaining to abortion, but it informed me on a lot more information. I felt very informed form the answers this article gave me. I can see this article in my research paper because of the great accurate information that it proceeded gave me about abortion.

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