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By Katie


DAD DAD, are we there yet, how long till we get to aunty Suzannes Katie we still have 40 minutes till we get there. Finally we arrive at my auntys house, my dad then goes to work, as i walk in the door my little cousin comes running down the stairs shouting mum dad, cousin Katie is here My aunty then comes down the stairs and hands me my six week old baby cousin Hugh, He has just waken up. He was like a bundle joy until... He starts to scream and cry as my aunty makes him a bottle. My cousin Emily comes running up to me begging me to play babies with her yet she decides that i have to be the baby (what a fun game) But before i know it all the time is gone and it is the end of the day. the next day we all go to shops and again before i know it the day is over, the next few days my little cousin had preschool i just helped aunty suzy with Hugh and we also went to all of Hughys appiontments. On the 4th day my dad came to pick me up and take me home. I had such a great time. :)


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