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10 October 2013

o v i e s Seamus Bday Party
On Saturday was Seamus Birthday it was really fun we went in the pool, had boxing matches and stayed up all night. When I got there me, Seamus and Tony went in the pool while we were waiting for Matt, we were doing tricks into the pool. When Matt came we all got out of the pool and had boxing matches and wrestling matches. After that it was about 5 oclock and we started playing Footy on the Playstation, I was the best. We didnt really do much after that just watched Anger Management and Played Ski Safari all night.

MUM HURRY UP I say Im sprinting towards the movie theatre, everyone else is already ordering the tickets and food. So, I ordered my tickets and ran to my friends, we watched Grown Ups 2 it was really funny but we missed the end ): because we got kicked out, oops, probably shouldnt chucked that popcorn. I was with 7 of my friends Jem, Jackson, Tony, Liv, Lili, Kendall and Carly. This a photo of me Jem and Jackson during the movies :).

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