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Chapter 5 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION After analyzing the data and developing Student Council Voting System,

the proponents have realized the following:

Summary The proponent has formulated the general objectives that the study seeks to achieve and this is to come up with a program that will enable students to vote for their desired/selected candidates while teaching them to be responsible voters. Along with this line, the four specific objectives were achieved. First, is to analyse how the existing system of voting operates. Second, to identify the problems encountered in the use of the existing system and Third, to design a voting system. The creativity and sense of originality of the proponent were utilized so that the scope of the proposed system can be broadened. The analytical tools served as a guide for the proponents in developing the Student Council Voting System or SCVS. The Visual Table of Contents gave the proponents overview of the whole System and how the system makes use of different process. The Context diagram shows the whole representation of the process of the system. The Exploded diagram also shows the step by step process of the program. The proponents used different access for the program to work. Following the flow of the system using the context diagram and exploded diagram, where there are steps or process that the proponents need to follow. The proponents need to find the solution for the problem of the program. Then design of the system using the analysis and the

general objective. In coding phase is the testing phase, which is used to locate some errors and other problems on the developed system. After the system has been tested, it must go for the maintenance to keep it running smooth and flawlessly. Finally, the implementation phase occurs after all the initial phases have been executed. This phase releases the system for official use by the users. The proponent was able to come up with a system that will help the user to interact to the software and give fast voting results.


Hassle Election makes people irritated, because of some failure procedures and process. For example manual counting of votes is another hassle procedure because you need to count one vote for every candidate. This is what the proponents like to avoid and what the system stands for. Also to promote modern technology using this proposed system. Student Council Voting System is Software that user can choose their own desire candidates, to exercise the freedom of the student. It is an easy to access voting system. Also it will help to promote growing technology. The problems encountered in the existing system such as the system will may trigger the people to cheat to the voting process. The proponent arrived at the conclusion that because the availability and demand of computers are relatively high, resulting in low costs of hardware and software available, the proposed system is therefore technically helpful.

Recommendation Student Council Voting System is recommended for use by College students for the use of the election, it can also be used by High school Students for those who wants to experience a better election system. The proponent encourages future proponents on this subject to include other areas such as Barangay Elections, Local Government Elections, Organizational Elections, etc. Due to lack of time and resources, only basic positions were made for the election system.

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