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Only Two Types of Power

Power is what everybody wants. Some will chase it in money, others in fame. However, people look for it and it is only natural that humans want power. Power is the same reason why Super Hero movies are the most popular type of films in Hollywood. We love to see beyond the natural, we are curious and fascinated by cultural figures who can do more than the average person. Power is an energy, it is transferable, and it is not destructible but only changes form. Power does not leave the earth, it comes and is exchanged or is renewed. Whatever your motivation for starting a business is, I guarantee that somehow it is linked to power. We sometimes put those who are talented on a pedal stool, and power in many ways translates to wealth, whatever your definition of wealth may be. To me, wealth is simply abundance, originally in commodities, or natural resources and land, it can be the abundance of anything good.

There are two types of power, soft power and hard power. For the last few decades the field of business has thrived on the latter: Hard power, or cohesion, and force. Whether by blasting messages, mass media advertisements, and what is known as the hard sale,which is often associated with sleasy snake oil salesmen. Arguing, debate, deception, aggression, being in your face are all possible attributes of hard power. Anyway of forcefully persuading or beating people into submission. Most business people who rely on the outdated approach of hard power realize that it is not that effective! This is limited especially when people start to rebel and their mind filters out all of your attempts. Soft power is a more subtle approach of convincing people of your worldview, company message and philosophy, through attraction. How do you attract? Tell stories worth re-telling. Whether you sale items or provide a service. Stand out with stories unique to what you stand for, and meaningful to an audience you want to reach. Follow him on Twitter: @LesliePoku

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