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Gastropoda: Some air-breathing land snails, including species in the genera Helix, Cernuella, Theba, Helicella, Achatina and Otala, commonly aestivate during periods of heat. Some species move into shaded vegetation or rubble. Others climb up tall plants, including crop species as well as bushes and trees, and will also climb man-made structures such as posts, fences, etc. The habit of climbing vegetation to aestivate has caused more than one introduced snail species to be declared an agricultural nuisance. To seal the opening to their shell to prevent water loss, pulmonate land snails secrete a membrane of dried mucus called an epiphragm. In certain species, such as Helix pomatia, this barrier is reinforced with calcium carbonate, and thus it superficially resembles anoperculum, except that it has a tiny hole to allow some oxygen exchange.[citation needed] There is decrease in metabolic rate and reduced rate of water loss in aestivating snails like Rhagada tescorum,[2] Sphincterochila boissieri and others.

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