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Hey u all MORONS )many of whom being the Ph.D (doctors of PHONEY!


EU et the US Admin. Already gave their PATHETIC NODS!

Welcome THE END OF THE WORLD – soon!




LHA SIAPE “LURAHNYE NKRI?” Loe semua tahu!

Russia-China Warn US That

Israeli Attack On Iran
Means “World War”
Written by Administrator
Saturday, 18 July 2009 09:26
A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Medvedev and Chinese
President Hu have issued an “urgent warning” to the United States that says if the Americans
allow an Israeli nuclear attack upon Iran, “World War will be our response”.

Fueling Russian and Chinese fears are intelligence reports stating that Israel has moved over
three-quarters of its Naval Forces through the Suez Canal and has assembled over 30 of its
US-built fighter jets in Kurdistan for a planned attack using American made “bunker busting”
bombs and nuclear armed cruise missiles.

Russian Military Analysts state in these reports that Israel first plans to use its US-built fighter
jets to target Iran’s nuclear facilities, and upon a combined Iranian and Lebanonese Hezbollah
“response”, that is said will “rain missiles down upon Israel”, Israeli submarines and surface
vessels with unleash nuclear armed cruise missiles against Iran’s military, religious and
political infrastructure.

Israeli news sources are also confirming Russian and Chinese fears over an attack by their
country upon Iran, and as we can read as reported the Haaretz News Service:

“Israel's recent deployment of warships across the Red Sea should be seen as serious
preparation for an attack on Iran, an Israeli defense official told the Times of London on
"This is preparation that should be taken seriously. Israel is investing time in preparing itself
for the complexity of an attack on Iran. These maneuvers are a message to Iran that Israel
will follow up on its threats," the official was quoted as saying.”

President Bush had become so alarmed over Israel’s plan to attack Iran that in an
unprecedented move, just prior to leaving office, he refused the Israelis “secret request” for
1,000 of the American bunker busting bombs they wanted, but, Israel had obtained 100 of
these dreaded weapons in a 2005 deal with the Pentagon.

Upon Obama assuming the US Presidency, Israel’s Prime Minister gave the American leader a
stark warning that “Either you take care of Iran-quickly-or I will”, a challenge that Obama,
while in Russia last week, slapped down by warning that the United States is “absolutely not”
giving Israel a green light to attack Iran, a curious statement, however, when viewed in the
light of the American Vice President Biden stating just days before that “Israel is free to do
whatever it deems necessary to remove the Iranian nuclear threat”.

Fueling Russian and Chinese fears over Israel’s planned attack on Iran, these reports continue,
is the Jewish states planned use of Iraqi territory from their Kurdistan region which borders
Iran, and which this past week furthered its goal to become an independent Nation with the
adopting of a new constitution, and with its Israeli trained army can expect an “immediate”
invasion from both its sworn enemies Turkey and Iran.

Even worse, Syria’s leader has reportedly warned the US that upon Turkey and Iran declaring
war upon Kurdistan and Israel it would “no choice” but to honor its defense agreements with
the Iranians calling for their Nations to protect each other in times of peril.

Further complicating this mess is Turkey’s membership in NATO, and which under that
alliances agreement calls for the United States and Europe to join with the Turkish military in
fighting against what in essence would be their own allies of Israel and Kurdistan.

Not being known to the American people is that while their Military Forces have been fighting
in Iraq, the United States and Iran have longstanding agreements allowing the Iranians to shell
Iraqi Kurd territory without fear of reprisal, an agreement that also includes Turkey who have
battled against the Iraqi Kurds for decades.

Most ominously in these reports though, both Russia and China state that they will have “no
choice” but to place an “immediate embargo” against any oil and gas coming from the Middle
East and weapons to the region the United States may try to supply. China further states in
this warning that upon an Israeli attack upon Iran they will “immediately cease” to purchase
any more US debt, and with the American deficit hitting $1 Trillion for the first time in their
history, and with it expecting to exceed $2 Trillion by the end of the fiscal year on September
30th, a particually grave threat being that China’s $2 Trillion in reserves are the only thing
keeping the US economy afloat.

Russian Intelligence Analysts further report that the long-serving head of Iran's Atomic
Energy Organization, Gholam Reza Aghazadeh, resigned today over fears for his and his
family’s safety upon an attack by Israel upon the Persian Nation.

What is not known at this time, these reports summarize, is if Israel’s Iron Dome missile
defense system, which the Israelis report has been “successfully tested”, would be able to
withstand the estimated 6,000 plus missiles expected to be fired at it by the combined powers
of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah.

But, to Israeli war leaders believing that upon the conventional destruction of Iran’s nuclear
facilities, the Persian Nation will “sue for peace” rather than be hit by nuclear weapons, these
reports state, unequivocally, that Iranian leaders are “fully prepared” to engulf the entire
World in “brutal fire” rather than to ever “kneel down” before the “Zionists” they have long
stated have no right being in the Middle East in the first place.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found
in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a
stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to
know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’
against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is
addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

Agatha Christie once famously said, "The simplest explanation is always the
most likely." However, when something shocking or catastrophic happens in
our lives, simple explanations just aren't satisfying. We crave deeper reason
and meaning and when that isn't given to us, sometimes we create our own.
This is how conspiracy theories are often born -- someone doesn't like the
official account of a major event and challenges it with a different version.
Conspiracy theories can attract a wide array of people, from vehement
supporters to those who just like a good story. Whether they're somewhat
believable or completely ridiculous, the most popular conspiracy theories got
that way for a reason -- they're just plain fascinating.

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