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Young Generation/Where shall we lead/our mother land? At the altar of hope?

/At the orifice of failure/At the foot of heaven/Or at the jaws of a grave? In these questions/we can reflect/the enormous dependence of tomorrows future land/ lies in the children. / Also in these questions/are the two faces of what our future would be, / heaven and hope/ or failure and death. /In spite of this,/ no matter what will be the end,/ whether it will be prosperity/ or further descent to nothingness/ no one can be blamed/ but we, children./ because we , the young, / are the hope of the world/ of our parents and forefathers/ we are the future generation. This/ is the challenge of the present, / the ability,/intellect/ and significance of the youth./Now, more than any other/ this is a timely challenge/ especially now in our society/ who is enslaved/ with the problems of economic poverty. And so/ children,/ together let us acknowledge/ this challenge,/ the challenge of change and unity/ for the fulfillment of our aims and aspirations./ let us accept this/ in behalf of our contemporaries/ who selflessly continue to strive/ to realize their part,/ for the Lord,/for the society,/and for the land./ and for the latter who are confused and kept hushed/ of the condition around us./ we hope that this challenge will serve/ as an inspiration/ to start/ and continue with all our might/, the sharp/ and active partaking/ towards prosperity and change. And for that, / I believe that we, youth, possess/ the God-given gift of understanding,/ ability,/intellect/ and value of the young./ Now/ we have a vast responsibility,/ from the academe, / to our society,/ from our individual growth / to the development our country. I have a fervent faith/ to my fellow youth./ I can discern/ that we have the character of a molave,/ strong,/ growing and flourishing/, never afraid/ has grasp in its roots/ and believes in himself./ My fellow youth/ would you consent to take the blame/ of the next generation/ because of the indifference in our time?/ Let us start now/ the freedom and peaceful tomorrow./ let us begin to mold our character./ Let us initiate the change within ourselves./ Let us start/ NOW

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