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The Battle for Love C H A R A C T E R S Princess Ara (played by Gregor Etaryan): 18 year old princess of the secret deserts

of Arabia. Is madly inlove and in a forbidden relationship with one of the servants, Arton. She is now at the age where her parents marry her of to a strong and powerful mate. Servant Arton (played by Alejandra De La Torre): 19 year old servant that has been serving and living in the castle since birth. Has been madly inlove with Princess Ara since childhood but knows their love for eachother will never be. King Alexander (played by Tina Vartanian Makari): 56 year old humble and almighty king of the secret deserts of Arabia. Is very loved and respected by all his citizens in his kingdom. Wants to marry off his daughter to the strong and powerful knight, Edric. Queen Indra (played by Jeanette Shoukry): 48 year old queen of the secret deserts of Arabia. Is extremely beautiful and kind. Stands by her husband in all decisions whither good or not. Knight Edric (played by Christina Leon): 23 year old knight who is the strongest and powerful one out of all the others. He is very big headed and arrogant and not many people find him amusing. Thinks princess Ara is very beautiful and wants to marry her so when the time comes he becomes the new king of the kingdom. S E T T I N G [ Time: The 1st century B.C. in the secret desert of Arabia. Place: The castle where the royal family and all there servants a knights live.]

ARA [sneaking quietly and slowly inside the kitchen looking for Arton] (whisper) PsssptArton? Arton where are you? ARTON [coming out from hiding going to quietly walking towards Ara] (whisper) Yes my love. I'm right here (holds both her hands). ARA (worried) Arton I have horrible news. My parentsthey want to Edric to marry me! [Hugs Arton] ARTON [Takes a step back and takes a deep breath] This is no surprise Ara. This was going to happen sooner or later. [Puts hands on shoulders looks at Ara in the eyes] You know are love is never meant to be.

ARA [Mad at what Arton said and swipes hands off of her] WHY DO YOU NOT SEEM AT ALL UPSET?! DO YOU NOT LOVE ME?! ARTON [Grabs Aras hands brings towards chest] No! You know how much you mean to me. [Lowers hands and looks down] Its justyou are a princess and I am nothing but a servant!! [ King and Queen walk in the kitchen and are outraged by what they see] KING [Angry] WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! ARA WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THIS SERVANT?! QUEEN [Standing behind the king and disappointed] Ara? What is the meaning of this? ARA [Shocked and worried releasing her hands from Arton and quickly walking towards parents] Father! Mother! I love Arton and I dont want to marry Edric! KING [Furious] HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH THINGS! YOU ARE ROYALTY NOT A PEASENT! YOUR MARRYING EDRIC NOT AADISHWASHER! ARA [Mad] But Father KING [Furious] NO! I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS! GO TO YOUR ROOM THIS INSTANT! [Ara runs away from the scene hand to her face crying] KING [Quickly walks towards Arton pointing his finger in his face, angry voice] YOU STAY AWAY FROM ARA! IF I EVER FIND OUT YOU TWO ARE TALKING I WILL HAVE YOU BE-HEADED! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?! ARTON [Terrified, bows down, scared voice] Yes my almighty king. I am truly sorry please for give.

[ King and Queen leave the kitchen leaving Arton who is now sitting on the floor scared and sad] (Scene change everyone off the floor except Ara) ARA [ Crying looking out of her window] Why dont they understand?! I love Arton and he loves me! How do they want me to marry the arrogant fool Edric?! Edric is half the man Arton is! [Knocking on door. Ara wipes tears. Walks towards the door and opens it] ARA [surprised] Mother?.. QUEEN [walks in] AraI understand. ARA So if you understand then why do you side with father?! QUEEN Ara you know why you cant marry this boy [puts arm around shoulder] ARA [Rest head on mothers shoulder] Who cares if hes not royalty! Why does that matter? Isnt true love more important?! QUEEN Ara if you were to marry this boy it will make your father look weak and all the people of this kingdom with be in chaos. You have to marry someone that the people praise and respect and Arton is not that. ARA [looks into her mothers eyes] Arton is more of a man than Edric! Its not his fault he was born into a servant! Please mom! There has to be something we can do. QUEEN [Look away from Ara having a thinking expression on her face] Ara I might have a solution but you will not like itits the only way this would work out. Ill talk to your father tonight.

ARA [Has joy in her voice] What is it?! [Queen rushes out of her room avoiding the question] (Scene change Queen and King sitting down with Edric standing next to the king and Arton standing next to the queen) [Ara walks in and is surprised and curious about what she sees] ARA What is going on?... KING [displeased] Your mother and I and had discussion last night about what happened yesterday and we came up with a solution to your problem. ARA [happy] Please! Tell me! Have you guys reconsidered and are letting me marry Arton?! KING [Getting slight mad] NO! Dont be foolish! QUEEN [interrupts the king] Ara your father and I have decided that in order for you to marry Arton he will have to fight in a battle to the death with Edric. ARTON AND ARA [Shocked, eyes and mouth wide open] EDRIC [evil grin] Please your majesty. You seriously want me to fight this DISHWASHER?! ARTON [Mad at the comment Edric and turns to him in a powerful stance] What makes you think I cant beat you?1 EDRIC You stand know chance against me I am the best knight in the whole entire kingdom. You dont even come close to the strength and power I have. [flexes muscle] KING [in a loud voice] THAT IS ENOUGH!

ARA [sad at the results and is on her knees clasping hands together] No! Father no! There has to be another way! KING [stands up outraged] ENOUGH! IT IS WHAT IT IS! THE BATTLE WILL TAKE PLEASE TOMRROW BEFORE SUNSET! [sits back down slowly looks a Edric] Edric, you are dismissed. EDRIC [bows and walks towards Arton and whispers] Good luck. [walks out of the scene] KING [looks at Arton in an unpleasant way] Now you will have all day and night to prepare yourself for tomorrowI suggest you start now. ARTON [bows and walks away] ARA [stands up and is outraged] HOW DARE YOU! YOU KNOW HE DOESNT HAVE A CHANCE AGAINST EDRIC! HE NEEDS MORE TIME! KING Really? Arent you the one saying Edric is half the man that Arton is? ARA [Quickly walks towards the queen] WAS THIS YOUR PLAN?! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU UNDERSTAND! WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU SUGGEST THIS?!! KING [Yells] THAT IS ENOUGH ARA! DONT TALK TO YOUR MOTHER THAT WAY! NOW LEAVE THIS INSTANT! [Ara runs out crying] (scene changes to the day of the battle Arton, Edric, Ara, Queen, and King are all in the scene. Queen, King, and Ara are sitting in the middle of the sideline while Arton is standing on one side of the room and Edric is standing on the other.)

KING [stands up and loudly says] Now today the both of you will fight for my daughters hand in marriage. It will be a battle to the death and whatever the outcome the queen and I will respect the results. [looks at Edric] Edric are you ready? EDRIC [smiles at the king in confidence] Yes your majesty! KING [looks at Arton] Arton are you ready? ARA [stands up and look towards the king] WAIT! Father can I please say a few words to Arton? KING [displeased and looks at Ara] very well then ARA [Ara walks toward Arton holds his hands towards chest and whispers in his ear] I love you. I have faith that you will win. [looks in his eyes for 2 second, releases hands, and walks to her seat] KING Now then let the battle BEGIN! [sits down] [Arton and Edric start battling for about 30 seconds. Arton stabs Edric, Edric falls to the floor grabbing his ribs] [ King, Queen, Ara all stand up shocked eyes and mouth wide open. Arton bows down for the queen and king] KING I..I I dont believe my eyesdid a servant really kill a knight?... [Ara runs down to Arton and he lifts (on knees pretending) her up] ARA I knew you would win!! KING [walks up to Arton]

ARTON [Puts down Ara and walk to king] KING [puts hand on shoulder looks into Arton eyes] I was wrong about you. You are worthy of marrying my daughter. Please forgive me [bows down to Arton] ARTON Please your majesty [stops king from bowing] Do I have your blessings on marrying your daughter? KING [looks at Ara and then back at Arton] Yes, Yes you do. Conclusion: The reason why Arton had won the battle instead of Edric was because the night before the queen had poisoned his meal. The day of the battle Edric was feeling feverish and weak but pretended that he wasnt. During the battle Edric had a moment of weakness and that when Arton had the opportunity to strike. The queen felt bad for Ara and really wanted her to marry her true love and that is why she made this master plan. No one knows about this plan besides her and she will die with this secret.

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