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NAME: _______________________________________

Introduction to Visual Culture DATE: ______________________

Use of Perspective Techniques by S. Kubrick

Experiencing Perspective Field trip to Grant Park (Dress warmly & bring a camera) In todays class we talked about how the artists of the Renaissance utilized perspective techniques to suggest depth and three-dimensionality on their drawings and paintings. Now we will experience various aspects of perspective in person. Unlike Brunelleschi, we do not need mirrors or pencils to capture the effects of perspective. Using your digital or cellphone camera, please capture photographs demonstrating the following techniques: 1. Main Perspective Methods:

One Point Perspective Compare your examples:

Two Point Perspective

Three Point Perspective

2. Experiments with the Horizon Line

Capture the same view with different eye levels.

Introduction to Visual Culture Compare your examples:

3. Foreground, middle ground and background. Ask your partner to pose in the foreground, middle ground and background of the same view. Compare your examples:

4. Experiments with the Vanishing Point: Find a landmark or a focal point you would like to emphasize in your image (for example the Logan Monument). Capture a photo with the landmark at the center and the perpendicular lines converge towards the monument.

Cloud Gate by Anish Kapoor A light installation by Chicago-based artists Sean Gallero and Petra Bachmaier

5. Foreshortening Capture an image of your partner that demonstrates the technique of foreshortening.

Post all your images and observations on our MOODLE page, Please pay attention to formatting and spelling. For further information on utilizing perspective techniques in photography see:

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