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Digital Natives and Digital immigrants The article was very interesting because it talked about these two

important terms such as digital natives and immigrants, the author of this article refers to the digital natives as those people who were born in the years where technology has had a great influence, and he sets as main year the 90's. Its understood that all people born in that year are digital natives, and all people born before are digital immigrants, because they have had to adapt to certain technological tools. So, according to the article and the author, the young of today are digital natives, because it is supposed that since we were born in 1990 we have technology around us. So, According to the author and what he wrote in the article, Im Digital Native. But if we analyze this article and what is happening nowadays. The young were born within those years, not know how to use certain tools, and they havent grown up with the technology around them, even though they were born in the 90s cannot be called digital natives. I think everyone should be called digital immigrants, because while we have grown up, we had to adapt to these tools and we have had to learn how to use these tools. No one has been born with this knowledge. So all of us are digital immigrants. Although the author has said that were Digital Native, but if we cant use some tools, were not a Digital Native. (Prensky, 2001)

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Game- Based Learning. Mc Graw, Hill.

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