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Poetry Whatchamacallits

By Jordan 6th-1

Haiku Whatchamacallit Jungles

Jungles Have big trees Jungle Trees Have Vines and Leaves The Grass is Light Green.

Limerick Whatchamacallit My Dog Gunner

I have a dog named gunner He is quite the runner He loves to chew things up Even though he's still a pup He is quite a stunner

Concrete Whatchamacallit FootBall

Math Cinquain Whatchamacallit Pi

Pi Infinite, Long Confusing, Counting, Expanding A Set Of Numbers. 3.14

Newspaper Black Out Whatchamacallit Folding Faces

Cinquain (Free Choice) Whatchamacallit Books

Books Exciting, Boring Reading, Hi-Liting, Listening Filling Up Your Brain Literature

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