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Today I am about to introduce you to a book that I love.

The book genres are an allegory, political

satire, and dystopian fiction. If anyone wonders, a dystopia is An imaginary place or condition in which

everything is as bad as possible. The book tells a sarcastic yet ironic, sad story.

The story started on a normal farm located in England. At the very first, the human leader of the

farm Mr.Jones, would treat his animals well, but after an unfortunate event, he started to keep himself

drunk, leaving the animals mistreated and overworked. Finally, a pig named Major dreamed that he was

about to be dead. He started a long meaningful speech and said that there would be a rebellion against

humans started for equality between animals.

The rebellion starts successfully and the farm is renamed “Animal Farm” by the animals. The first

leader of Animal Farm, named Snowball, is an inspired leader and would like to take the farm toward

prosperity and would like to fight for equality, he made a rule, “All animals are equal”. Everything on the

farm seems going well but, a boar named Napoleon, due to the contradiction of his attitude and

Snowball’s. He decides to eject Snowball with 9 fierce dogs he got from a dog mother. After Snowball is

ejected, Napoleon starts to fake different evidence progressively and finally makes everyone think that

Snowball wants Mr.Jones to be back and Snowball is a bad guy. After that, Napoleon starts to join hands

with humans–the owner of the other 2 farms adjacent to Animal Farm.

At last, the animals cannot remember anything before the rebellion happened and with the poor

food that they got, they even think their life is better than before the rebellion. However, the real thing

that happened is that farms became richer but those animals other than the pigs did not. Finally, the

animals got the same treatment –or even worse than before Mr.Jones was ejected.

Animals now have a new rule—All animals are equal, but some are more equal. The story shows

that those animals worked hard and harder for equality but ended up with nothing changing. In the book

Animal Farm, it is very unfair to animals. They are the same as people who work at the bottom part of

society, people in the upper part use them for money, saying improvements for everyone but end up

making themselves richer and their wallets fatter. Those people at the top, same as what we see in Animal

Farm, will never work, but all the fruits go into their pockets. They sacrifice the people who work at the

bottom when they cannot make any more profits, such as a character in the book, a horse, Boxer who is
also one of my favourite characters. He is a strong worker who always works harder, he is a horse full of

strength and fidelity, but right after he is too old to work, Napoleon sold him to knackers to make money.

The book tells an ironic story about the world. The story is very interesting and there. On the

surface, it is just a story about an animal paradise, but in fact, it describes reality in a terrifying way.

This book hints at the misery of the people at the bottom, and unwittingly taught us why to work hard. I

recommend it to you to ask you to read it and try to understand it yourself instead of listening to me and

what I’ve said only because everyone could feel different after reading this and you could learn more if

you read it yourself.

You do not have to worry about it being a long book since it seemed to be quite hard to

understand. It only has 112 pages. Which is not a lot and you can finish it in several days. You can access

this book in many different ways, it is cheap and you can find it on google play books,,

Scribd and many others. If you want a physical book, you can go to a public library for it. It is a great

book and I’ve learned a lot after reading it. That are the reasons I recommend this book. Thanks for


The donkey in the book also reflects those people who know the real happening, but stand beside

and will never help. I really enjoy this book, because it uses a story to insinuate those different kinds of

people included in nowadays society.

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