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Faculdades Alfredo Nasser.

Aluno: Paulo Henrique Vieira do Nascimento, 5 perodo de Letras. Professora: Ariane Activity of English about evaluations and comparisons.

First proberty: Old house

3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. 1 car garage. 1 large room. 1 beautiful kitchen. R$ 900,00 per month.

Second proberty: Popular apartment

2 bedrooms. 1 bathrooms.

1 small room. 1 small kitchen. R$ 500,00 per month.

Comparisons between the properties

The old house is not modern enough. The popular apartment is small too for the children. The old house is not reasonable enough. The popular apartment is not spacious enough for the family. The old house is located in a neighborhood is not safe enough.

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