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The house of the scorpion Compare and Contrast After chapter 10, Matt wasnt a very nice person

unlike before chapter 10, and you can assume that by rereading the part where he broke the window because he has the intention to save Maria from the chupacabras Maria would be alone with nothing but the empty poppy fields and the [Chupacabras]. You can infer Matt was not a very nice person after chapter 10 when he decided to put Tom at the baby table. After chapter 10, Matt became really bossy and just thinking that he was the boss because he was el Patrons clone like when he started yelling at Maria One more thing said Matt. I demand a birthday kiss. . Since he said he demanded the kiss you can tell that he is trying to get peoples attention since before chapter 10 he hardly got any, and just being really pushy about what he wanted. Before chapter 10, Matt got very mistreated at the Big House, in opposition to after chapter 10 when he got a bodyguard named Tam Lin. After chapter 10 since Matt was being ignored, he started doing things that he didnt know it would hurt others, such as when he wanted to get Marias attention by kidnapping her dog Furball What if Matt stole the animal and sent her a ransom note? In conclusion, I think Matt changed (and is changing) a lot throughout the story, but I think he always changes because of an important reason.

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