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Samantha Worthington (A.K.A. or Fake Name = Jennifer Lake)

Barbara Brown – Financial Manager, the one to whom Samantha directly reports.

Jim Smith – Comptroller – the one Barbara reports to

Mark Colby – CFO (Chief FinancialOfficer) A.k.a. THE BOSS

William & Collette Worthington – Samantha’s parents

Samantha reportes to her boss the Financial Manager (Barbara Brown), who reports to her boss
The Comptroller (Jim Smith), who directly reports to Mark Colby (The CFO), but they have
weekly staff meetings where Samantha frequently interacts with Mark.


The Worthington’s have OLD money,

Setting: Manhattan, NY. She lives on the Upper East Side of the City and so do her parents. She is an
only child.

Chapter 1: Samantha’s Decision

Samantha Worthington sat in her luxurious apartment, staring at her diploma from Princeton
University. She had graduated with a Master’s degree in finance, but something about the whole
experience left her feeling unfulfilled. As an heiress, and according to “upper society rules” she
shouldn’t even be working at all, and she certainly didn’t need to, but she begged her parents for
the opportunity to get a degree in Finance. She had a gift in it. She knew that her parents'
influence had gotten her into the prestigious university, and their connections had landed her
cushy accounting jobs. She also knew that ordinary people hated this and felt that the privileged
class skated through life without earning their dues to be on top. So, Samantha wanted to prove
to herself, that she could make it on her own without her parent’s money. She would earn the
right to be on top.

Chapter 2: The Fake Name

Samantha came up with the idea to apply to one of the top accounting firms in New York City
under a fake name. She wanted to start from the bottom and work her way up without anyone
knowing her family background. The Worthington name was well known and the minute she
used it, she would be escorted to the top. She figured that using a fake name would be no
difference than people who use Pen names for writing. After some research, she created a new
identity and submitted her application.

Chapter 3: The Interview

Samantha was surprised when she received an invitation for an interview. She carefully planned
her interview outfit. NO designer brand suits or shoes. She had to go shopping to replace her
designer wardrobe with something more “working class.” She was even more surprised when
she landed the job as a junior accountant. She had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't
dreaming. Sure, with her master’s degree in finance from Princeton she should at least start off
as a Financial Manager, but this is why she also lied on her application and changed her resume
to state that she only achieved a B.S. in Finance and not a Masters, and it worked! She now
landed the lowest position she could get and could now work her way up on her own merits.

Chapter 4: The Boss

Samantha’s over-boss, Mark, was the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of the company. He was
drop-dead gorgeous, but also incredibly cranky at times. Samantha couldn't help but feel
attracted to him, despite his rough exterior. .

Chapter 5: The Working Relationship
Samantha found that she couldn’t wait for the weekly staff meetings where she would be able to
see Mark and to impress him, but everything she suggested he either dismissed or shut down. It
felt like she was being asked to show up, but to be silent. He clearly didn’t like her despite her
own drop gorgeous look

So, Samantha quickly realized that working with Mark was going to be a challenge. He was
demanding, demeaning, and didn't cut her any slack just because she was new. She found
herself constantly having to prove herself, which was exactly what she wanted, but her normal
intelligent, wit, and business saavy completely left when Mark walked into the room. She
became a babbling idiot.

During one of her meetings with Barbara, Samantha asked if it was her imagination or did Mark
have something against her because he was so mean to her. Barbara told her that he just had a
gruff exterior. Barbara clued Samantha into the fact that the only people Mark doesn’t seem to
have much respect for are the privileged class and since she wasn’t privileged she was pretty
safe. Barbara also told her that he had humble beginnings and he is EXPREEMLY proud of his
accomplishments because he made it to the top on his own merit. This is what he valued the

Chapter 6: The Sexual Tension

Despite the tension between them, Samantha and Mark couldn't deny the sexual chemistry
between them. They would exchange glances across the room, and sometimes Samantha would
catch Mark looking at her when he thought she wasn't paying attention.

Chapter 7: The Secret

Samantha’s parents decided to switch accounting firms and were planning to join the same
company where Samantha was working. Samantha was panicked at the thought of her boss
finding out who she really was, so she went to great lengths to hide her identity from both her
parents and her boss.

Chapter 8: Coming Together
Samantha was working late. She has a project to complete by the next morning and doesn’t want
to keep screwing up so she is going over, and over her work. Much to her surprise, Mark walks
by her office, who is also working late. They are the only ones left in the building. Mark tells
her to go home and makes some quip about “if you can’t finish your work within regular
working hours you must be worse than I thought (something like that). Samantha tears up and
cries. She had been trying so hard to impress him. Mark feels bad. He assumes she hasn’t eaten
and invites her out for dinner. Here they both soften and get more personal (the wine helps). He
walks her home. When they arrive at the big swanky Manhattan apartment building that
obviously she shouldn’t be able to afford, she quickly tells Mark that she is staying with a friend
who is well off but who is out of town. Mark makes another quip about “The Privileged,” and
then says goodnight. They have their first kiss and can’t tear themselves away from each other.
He stays the night but quickly disappears before she awakens in the morning.

Chapter 9: The Almost Confession

Now, Samantha can’t help but feel like she was living a lie. She wanted to tell Mark the truth
about who she was, but she didn't know how he would react. She is one of the “Privileged girls
that he does not respect. Nevertheless, she decides to come clean and reveal her true identity, but
one thing after another happens to keep her from doing it. They continue with their relationship.
She never tells him but she is the happiest she has ever been in her life. Even though office
romances are frowned upon, they are careful not to let on their secret.

Chapter 10: Busted
The Worthington’s come in for another surprise visit. As they walked down the hall, they came
face to face with Samantha. At first they were happy to see her because she had been keeping
herself so busy, but they soon realized that she was wearing what they would all, “Ill-fitting
cheap clothing and shoes and wanted to know what was going on. Then Mark walks in to see
what the fuss is all about to be told that who he knows as Jennifer is actually Samantha
Worthington. The heiress.

Chapter 11: Feelings of Betrayal

The whole company is a buzz with the news. Mark feels betrayed. He is dating the very girl-
type that he has abhorred his whole life. Samantha quits. Mark will not return her calls. Her
family grills her about her motives for doing such a thing. She is miserable. She hears through
the grapevine that Mark also quit the firm. Months go by.

Chapter 12: The Gift

Samantha’s 28th birthday was approaching, and her parents surprised her with a gift that
changed everything. They had bought her own accounting firm, and Samantha was finally going
to have the chance to prove herself without any strings attached.

Chapter 13: Filling the Firm

After getting her feet wet in the ins and outs of her business her CFO decided to retire. He was
an older gentleman that Samantha had learned to respect. She now needs to hire a new one. She
had 3 planned interviews for the day, but only 2 files on her desk with their details inside. She
asked her secretary for the 3rd file but for some reason it had been lost. This was the first person
she was to see, so she was just going to have to wing it. She asked her secretary to let the first
applicant in to her office while she freshened up her make up. When she returned to her office
he was sitting facing her desk so she did not notice that it was Mark who was applying for the
position. He had no idea that she was the owner of the firm.

Chapter 14: The Happily Ever After

 Mark is in shock and gets up to leave when Samantha stops him with a heart-felt plea to stay and
hear her out. She explains why she did what she did. She tells him that she didn’t want to be
one of the privileged class that didn’t earn her way to the top. She wanted to start at the bottom
and earn it. That’s why she lied on her resume and application. She also tells him that she can’t
help who she was born to. That she is still that girl that he fell in love with. How could that
have changed? By this time she is quietly sobbing, and as before, he is not able to see her cry.
They kiss and make up, and end up running the firm together after a most beautiful wedding.

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