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Timed Writing 1 In the third chapter of the text, Hamilton discusses three different mythological versions of the creation

of human life. Compare/contrast these three accounts of mortals creation. Structure of the essay: I. Introduction A. Two sentences introducing your topic. B. Thesis sentence II. First, Second, or Third Body Paragraphs A. Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence. B. Use specific examples from the novel to support your position. (Remember that if you quote directly or paraphrase, you must cite your work.) C. After each example, explain how your evidence proves your argument. D. Close each body paragraph with a concluding sentence. III. Conclusion A. Wrap up your essay commenting on evidence you supplied. B. Leave your audience with an impact statement proving your position. Guidelines for writing essay: 1) Write on the front page only. 2) Skip every other line. 3) Remember to cite your evidence from the novel in proper MLA format. 4) Use literary present tense. 5) Do not use 1st or 2nd person. 6) Use consistent verb tense.

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