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S Sp pa ar rk ky y, ,t th he ef fu un nn ni ie es st tc cl lo ow wn n

Read the story and fill in the blanks with a word from the box:
surprised walk do sit swing angry scared brave tightrope happy ride furious funny shout jump juggle


Super Looper Circus is beginning the show and Sparky is very _________. She cant _________ the unicycle as the other clowns do. She cant _________ through the flaming hoop and she cant _________ magic tricks for the children.

Sparky cant ________ in the trapeze. She cant make balloon animals. She pops all the balloons! Poor Sparky! She is very very ________! Look at her! She is ________!

The audience is waiting for her performance. What can she do? Look! Sparky is taking some balls! Great! She can ________ and walk at the same time! The children are enjoying her trick.

What can Sparky do now? Look! There is a big ball over there. She can ________ on it and bounce, bounce, bounce! She is really fun! She looks like a Kangaroo. The children are laughing and she is very happy.

Now Sparky isnt sad anymore. What else can she do? The ringmaster is giving her a stick. No! No! She cant go up there! She cant ________ on the tightrope! She is going to fall down! How ________ she is! And now, what is she going to do?

Sparky is scared but she is very ________, too. She takes the stick and climbs up the ladder. The drums are beating dramatically. She is so scared! But look! She is walking on the _________ now! The children are looking up and clapping. She can walk on the tightrope!

Sparky is ________! She can juggle and walk at the same time. She can bounce sitting on a big ball. She can walk on the tightrope. The children like her tricks and clap, clap, clap because Sparky is very _______! She is the funniest clown ever.

The audience is standing up, they are cheering and clipping loudly. They _________, Bravo! Bravo! Bravo, Sparky! And Sparky was a happy clown ever after.

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