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Following Directions Students who are engaged and who are listening to the teacher Functioning noise level

l Speak in the appropriate noise level tone for assignments that are given. I.E. group projects = whisper, test = no talking, classroom discussion= inside voice Serve as resources Student will look like they are leading a helping hand to their peer Support and encourage Students will sound like they are giving praise to one another; I.E. saying words like good job, way to go, and good work. Pay attention Student should look like they are interested in the material that is being presented during class

Follow Directions To maintain a good grade; student should follow directions that are given. Function at a noise level appropriate to activity. Students need to maintain respect to others learning environment. Serve as resources to one another Students should assist their peers when they need help. Information could be delivered better Support and encourage one another Students must display encouragement to each other. It's encouraging to be praised in front of others. When a student is discouraged or hurting, student should show respect by trying to uplift them in a positive matter Pay attention to the teacher and to one another Paying attention in class will help students understand all materials given. This is also show respect to the teacher as well as other

Enforce all rules and regulations to keep students safe and out of trouble. Support and encourage Supporting and encouraging gives students a sense that someone in their life cares about them and their school work Provider students with the knowledge and skills needs to pass the class I.E. proper instructions, community property supplies, and homework that is appropriate for the students grade level

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