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Possibilitizing Dreams

All human beings have aspirations, hopes and dreams to become a breathtaking success. Yet most of us don't achieve what we desire to. Majority of human beings live a life of mediocirty, way below their level of satisfaction. We often feel unhappy, dissatised, unfullled and even unaccomplished. If you want to produce a signicant improvement in any area of your le, you got to bring POP Principle in action in your day to day living. The POP Principle guides you to achieve success, prosperity, and a deeper sense of contentment in your life. It can bridge the difference between your aspirations and actions thus creates the life you truly desire and deserve. What this 'POP Principle' is? Simple. The P in POP Principle stands for ' Potential' Every human being is born with some hidden potential which is unexplored, unidentied and unutilized. Each one of us has some unique secreted talents, capabilities and skills which are burried, unseen and concealed. So the rst step toward creating a great life is to explore, understand, and acknowedge your potential. The identication of your hidden potential gives people a sense of worth and ignites the desire to show the rest of the world how distinctive, unique and matchless they are. It is the potential that if harnessed, turns ordinary human beings in to Imran Khan, Allama Iqbal, Abdusattar Edhi, Jahangir Khan, Moeen Akhtar, Dr. Abdul Qadeer, Aisam ul Haq and Abida Parveen. You will agree that these great legends have always had the potential to become great. And so did so many other human beings. So the question is why couldn't they too become great? The second P in 'POP Principle' stands for Possibilities

If we agree in the rst place that each new born baby on the planet is manifesting in this world with some unique set of skills, abilities and potential; then we can comfortably say that some Possibilities exist for every human being to use that passion to desing an extraordinary life for the But the question is how do we narrow the gap between one's 'Potential' and 'Possibilities'? If 'Possibilities' are unlimited, abundant and endless, then why a large majority of people is unable to transport their potential in to possibilities? There seems to be a missing link that can connect potential with possibilities? The missing link is actually 'O' The O in 'POP Principle' stands for Opprotunity 'Why poeople don't use their potential to realize possibilities? I have asked this question many hundered times in my trainng sessions. Every time the answer is the same. By the way, before I share their response, what is your answer? What is stopping you from realizing the full potential of the possibilities waiting for you? The answer is simple. The missing link is ' Opportunity'. People complain for lack of opportunities. 'Yes I have the talent, give me an opportunity and watch me realizing possbilities' is the usual stance. After doing motivational and change management sessions with throusands of people, I have reached to one conclusion. We all are mostly in a 'waiting' mode'. We are waiting for the opportunites to come to us. Whereas the fact is that we have to make a move and attract opportuities.

Possibilitizing Dreams

The 'Opportunity' does come to each one of us. More than one time. But the trick is that the opporunity almost always comes in a disguised form. A bulk of people don't recognize it, spot it, or identify it. The best we do is to expalin it as a problem. Yes, when stand face to face to a new opporunity, we see it as a problem, not as an opportunity. Since we all want to run away from problems, we avoid it. Avoiding the opporunity means, we miss it. And missing the opportunity means we will reamin whereever we are till the next opporunity comes up. On the other hand, all capable, talented and high-potential people were able to decode the disguised opporunity and see it differnetely. Yes, initially it looked like a problem but they convereted it in to 'challenge' for themselves. Accepting challenge provided them the guts, courage and nerves to stand tall against all adverse situations. Yes, it was difcult for them to embrace pain and go away from the comfort trap but their ability to create a challenge from what others see as problem gave the fuel and energy to reach to the land of innite 'Possibilities' . Who can deny that Jahangir Khan has always had the potential to become the world's greatest sportsman ever? but it is his ability to constantly challenge his circusmstances and see every problem as an opportunity to grow that made him one of the most admired legends in the sports history The fact is that you have an enormous potential to build a great future for yourself and your lvoed ones. Having that potential and even being able to correcty identify your potential is not enough. You need to devleop an eye to see the possibilities for you that no one else can see for you. By simply watching new possibilities from a distance is not sufcient either. You need to constantly narrow the gap between your potential and desired possibilities. The only thing that narrows the gap is your knack of seeing problems as challenges. You

know why? Because if you see opportunities as problems you will go defensive and employ escaping strategy. But when you see problems as challenges, you feel energized, enthused and stirred to overcome any obstacles between your dreams. Remember, if you are committed to tap your untouched, unhunt, unexploited potential, jump at every possible disguised opportunities. Make a shift in your way of looking at things. God has sent you on this planet with a premium seed of greatness. Don't waste it. Plant it. Cultivate it. Nurture it. Grow it. And then be ready to harvest the rewards of turning your hidden potential in to endless possibilities.



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