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--- Get the session details of the user alter session set nls_language='american' SELECT * FROM apps.

FND_SIGNON_AUDIT_VIEW where user_name = :USER_NAME ORDER BY TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (TIME, 1, INSTR (TIME, ':') - 1)) * 60 * 24 + TO_NUMBER ( SUBSTR ( TIME, INSTR (TIME, ':') + 1, INSTR (TIME, ':', INSTR (TIME, ':') + 1) - (INSTR (TIME, ':') + 1))) * 60 + TO_NUMBER ( SUBSTR (TIME, INSTR (TIME, ':', INSTR (TIME, ':') + 1) + 1))

----Find User from Form Web Session select d.user_name,a.*,c.* from fnd_logins a , v$process b , v$session c, fnd_user d where a.process_spid = b.spid and = and b.addr = c.paddr and a.user_id = d.user_id and c.sid = :input_sid

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