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What will happen next?

Unsure about what to expect when you work with a designer? Although each job is unique, the chart below should help you to understand the stages we will work through to achieve the outcome that best suits your needs.

Initial contact and meeting Agreement on brief

Initial contact and meeting Agreement on brief Written quotation

AGREEMENT Both parties agree what is needed, how much it will cost and how long it will take.

Signature 50% payment Client provides background information Research Sketches and initial concepts 3 concepts presented 1 concept chosen Development of chosen concept Presentation of chosen design Response to presentation Amendments leading to agreed final design Final artwork created Sign off artwork Artwork delivered, printed, etc Payment of balance

DESIGN Phase 3 Design produce visuals which, in consultation with the client, are developed into the finished article.

COMPLETION The agreed designs or items are produced and final fees are paid.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch now for a no-obligation meeting to see what Phase 3 Design could do to help your business.

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