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Titles and characters the font of the titles in the opening of the godfather is a type
of font used in 1940s America. This immediately makes the time period of the film apparent to the audience without revealing to much information. This is also emphasised by the use of the black and white; showing how the time period is dated. The use of the red that comes into the shot is in direct contrast with the black and white. The use of the black and white extenuates the red colour and connotes different meanings such as blood, violence and chaos. The sparse colouring could also hint into the characters dark and lifeless personality; the red being the only colour creates a juxtaposition in his personality, possibly hinting a split life Between living a normal life and a life of loose morals and crime.

The last shot of the titles is the shot above. This shot is important as it connotes certain things that link to the subtext of the film. It acts as a pre cursor to show how one of the characters i.e. the godfather himself is a puppeteer type figure and is very controlling and dominant. It links in with the narrative slightly as it foreshadows the idea of power and possible disputation in the social hierarchy.

Technical (sound) - The use of non-diegetic sound (music score) is very important also
as it adds to the atmosphere of the film. The violins and piano that play in minor key connote sadness and add to the dark atmosphere; foreshadowing possible death or grieving later on in the film. The use of instruments also links in with the time period of the film and shows the traditional Italian culture; the idea of mafia, family, honour and respect.

In our own title sequence we hope to implement the use of certain colours and costumes, similar to the godfathers opening sequence. to show the difference between the antagonist and protagonist. i.e. a red tie on the antagonist suggesting chaos or danger, or maybe the protagonist wearing a suit, suggesting higher power and status.

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