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Fright Night Poster Analysis

The Modern remake of Fright Night has a simplistic yet effective poster. You can see the hero in the centre of the picture holding an axe, which connotes violence, above him you can see what obviously appears to be the villain as his faded image looms over the hero and his eyes are red, the faded effect connotes mystery while the blood red eyes tell the audience that this is most likely a violent villain. The colour scheme with all its grey, white and black is very common with the horror genre as is the red which also connotes violence, anger and bloodshed. The text on the title Fright Night gives away other clues to the audience, it uses a serif font that suggests the villain within this film is an old one that we may be familiar with, also the letters F and T are made to look like wooden stakes which suggests the villain is most likely a vampire. The other give away to the audience that the villain might be a vampire is the background as you can see the sun setting, the sunset mixed with the partially faded image of the villain suggests that once the sun goes down he will no longer be faded and will be at his full strength, again this is another trait of a vampire.

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