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data: ld_subject lt_receiver ld_receiver ld_len lo_mime_helper lo_bcs lo_doc_bcs lo_recipient lt_soli lt_solix d_body t_pdf

type type type type type type type type type type type type

char50, table of ad_smtpadr, ad_smtpadr, so_obj_len, ref to cl_gbt_multirelated_service, ref to cl_bcs, ref to cl_document_bcs, ref to if_recipient_bcs, soli_tab, solix_tab, string, xstring.

call function 'SWA_STRING_TO_TABLE' exporting character_string = d_body importing character_table = lt_soli[]. call function 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' exporting buffer = t_pdf tables binary_tab = lt_solix. create object lo_mime_helper. call method lo_mime_helper->set_main_html exporting content = lt_soli. ld_len = 0. call method lo_mime_helper->add_binary_part exporting content = lt_solix filename = 'Test.pdf' extension = 'PDF' content_type = 'application/bmp' length = ld_len content_id = 'rest'. call method cl_document_bcs=>create_from_multirelated exporting i_subject = ld_subject i_multirel_service = lo_mime_helper receiving result = lo_doc_bcs. call method cl_bcs=>create_persistent receiving result = lo_bcs. call method lo_bcs->set_document exporting i_document = lo_doc_bcs. loop at lt_receiver into ld_receiver. lo_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( i_address_string = ld_receiver ). call method lo_bcs->add_recipient exporting i_recipient = lo_recipient i_express = 'X'. endloop. call method lo_bcs->set_send_immediately exporting i_send_immediately = 'X'.

call method lo_bcs->send. commit work.

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