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"Mastebrew" Brewing Course in Auckland

A comprehensive 4 day course on grain brewing will be held in the cities above. The facilitator, Vincent Costanzo (B.Sc., M.Sc.), has had over 25 years experience in commercial and home brewing. If you would like to improve your understanding and hence brewing techniques this is the course for you. Also, learn and practice brewing techniques on a microbrewery.

Topics include;

the seven secrets to making good, consistent beer, time after time The 12 myths about brewing; lets dispel them once and for all Learn what the big breweries do and apply to your home brewing To filter or not to filter, what's going on here The 3 biggest failures of homebrewers AND even microbrewers How to increase your flavour shelf life Visit a commercial microbrewery and pick out what's going on take home packaged beer after the participative demonstration Beer defects and beer tasting- how to characterize beer flavour See and participate in brewing a micro-brewed beer Why hygiene is not always an easy thing to do. - Learn about the traps and the right way to do it Visit microbreweries and see how beer is brewed and taste their beer as it is being explained to you Take part in a group dinner

When: Sunday 27th -30th October, 2013

VENUE : Shakespeare Hotel, 61 Albert Street 1010 Auckland

Cost: Aus$1190, Package discounts available for 2 or more enrollees For enrollment form and further details check out our website, or call Vincent on +61 408 104 176

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