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Name: Date: Period:

Flying in the Face of the Fuhrer by Phil Taylor

Before Reading: 1. What is Aryan Supremacy?

During and After Reading: 2. What did Jesse Owens accomplish at the 1936 Berlin Olympics?

3. What role did his main competitor play in Owens Victory?

4. Why does the author tell the story of Jesse Owens?

5. What do you think the title means? Cite specific text evidence to support your answer.

6. It was after Owens second foul in the broad jump that Long, of all people, approached him. What has taken your goat? he asked making Owens smile at the mangled American idiom. What did Long mean when he says what has taken your goat?

Circle 1 or 2 sentences in the story that support your answer

7. How does Longs point of view differ from that of Adolf Hitler?

Which paragraph best supports your answer?

8. Pick out a sentence from the story that best describes Owen. Write the sentence down. What paragraph is it in? (number).

9. What life changing event occurred in Owens life?

10. Write an objective summary of this story. (This is a story about)

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