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Robles 1 Performance Task Description Create a Teaching/Learning Task Requiring the Use of Nonlinguistic Representation Teacher Name: Alana Robles Date: October 2013 Grade Level: 3rd
Identify the subject area for which you will be creating a Technology-based Nonlinguistic Assignment. 3rd Grade Visual Arts. Victorian House Vocabulary and Illustrations. Write out the Learning Targets (Standard, objective, goal) that will be assessed. Common Core Standards: CC.3.R.F.3 Phonics and Word Recognition: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. CC.3.R.I.5 Craft and Structure: Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. CC.3.SL.1 Comprehension and Collaboration: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. CC.3.L.4.c Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g., company, companion). CC.3.L.5.b Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe people who are friendly or helpful). CC.3.L.5 Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings

National k-8 Visual Arts Standards: 2: Using knowledge of structures and functions

Describe the product students will create OR describe what students will DO to demonstrate their learning and that they have met the learning targets. a. Describe what students will DO. Be sure that the performance or product you describe requires students to use Nonlinguistic representation and is appropriate for or matches the learning targets you have chosen to assess. Students will watch a presentation (online screencast/slideshow/voicethread ) of a narration and examples of particular architectural elements. Vocabulary terms include: Mansard Roof, dormer window, gable, cupola, turret, shingles, and gingerbread. b. Students will be introduced to specific architectural vocabulary with necessary visuals. Students will watch a presentation of the specific architectural terms. Students will write the terms in their sketchbooks. Students will complete activities such as Draw Island's online drawing tool to create a Victorian house in order to further understand the architectural elements. Students will draft a sketch of a Victorian house either on paper or online, using the checklist to make sure to include all of the necessary vocabulary terms. c. Describe the technologies that you will be using for this lesson and explain how students will access those technologies. The instructor will display a slideshow of visuals. S tudents

will watch an online demonstration from art.coms artpad to see the steps of how to

Ms. Robles 2 turn a "kindergarten house" drawing into a mansion. Students will draw on the same canvas to add additional elements to the existing drawing. Students will use Flock Draw's collaborative online drawing canvas to work with a partner to draw and label all of the architectural details from our vocabulary list. Students will work collectively
to help to choose the visual examples they would like to have displayed on the screen to work from. The instructor will display a word processor checklist for students to check that their work meets the criteria.

d. Describe the steps (or a set of procedures) that students will use to complete this performance
assessment? 1. Students will write vocabulary terms in their sketchbook 2. Students will help to create checklist criteria for the assignment. 3. Students will help to choose on screen visuals to work from. 4. Students will use Flock Draw's collaborative online drawing canvas to work

with a partner to draw and label all of the architectural details from our vocabulary list.
5. Students will sketch Victorian house drawings in their sketchbooks using the on screen visuals and criteria the class agreed on. 6. Students use their sketches to complete a final drawing on a separate sheet of paper based on their sketchbook and online designs. e. Describe how you will differentiate instruction for students in the following learning categories? Explain how you might differentiate instruction for students such as these: o Students for whom English is a second language: encourage student to draw an image to accompany the word, allow extra time to write vocabulary terms, individual printout of the vocabulary terms, additional support to help students understand the meanings of vocabulary words. o Students who are performing significantly below grade or age expected levels: extra time to write vocabulary terms, visual image instructions created in the Boardmaker program, individual printout of the vocabulary terms, additional support to help students understand the meanings of vocabulary words. o Students who are performing significantly above grade or age expected levels: write word definitions with the vocabulary terms, label a visual diagram, additional word bank. Describe the assessment procedures you will use: 1. Describe how will you help students understand what it means to create a "good" product or performance? 1. Students will help to create checklist criteria for the assignment. 2. Students will help to choose from examples of successful on screen visuals to draw from. 3. Students will criteria the class agreed on for critiquing their drawing. 2. Create a checklist or rubric for the assignment and include it with your description. Be sure your checklist or rubric assess both the quality of the task and the standard you are assessing.

Ms. Robles 3
3. Describe how you will engage students in the assessment process. 1. Students will help to create checklist criteria for the assignment. 2. Students will critique successful and unsuccessful work examples from a slideshow. 3. Students will cite which on screen example they worked from and what characteristics they found successful in their own work. 4. Describe how you will report assessment results to students. Students will review their drawings against the on screen checklist to see if their work meets the criteria the class decided upon. Students will include references to the on screen visuals they used as a visual resource, making sure to use proper citation and give proper credit for the examples used. Upon completion, the instructor will use the same checklist to evaluate student work and score it based on the checklist as a rubric.

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