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Students are always seeing similarites and Nonlinguistic approach uses imagery that also helps link rnformation to tt^e cl' jd's mindj seeing visual representation aids in better memory by associating data to otherthan literature orjust

differences. ln the learning environment,

this strategy helps students link new knowledge
Engages students to interact with other

to whatthey already know by compare/contrast.

students to learn team work and working out conflict and benefit greatly socially.

f dentifying simi lorities

And Differences

Cooperative Leorning 6roup

AAorzono's 6

Instructionol Strotegies
This strategy is essentialfor reinforcingthe

the learning in classroom. Practice engages

the student crit,cally thinking ofthe material.

The student also assesses his progess along Advanced organizers are especialy important
in that it lins or lays out specific markersfor

tothink outside the box or think critically. This

strategy hints student to subjectthen are questioned about material.

with the Teacher

HomeworK qno

data that is otherthan relationalbut mav be chronological, cause-and-eff ect, etc,


Cues ond Questions

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