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Dear Councillors and Michael Pollard, I write in regards to the proposed Amendment C181 Heatherton Road Mixed Use

Precinct. The ammendment still appears to support a 4-storey 'medium density' apartment building to be built right behind our 1 storey family home (We are Lot 47/ no. 12 Brando Court) . This ammendment is unclear on whether the specifics of the apartment building has changed since the plans from 2011, but the rezoning indicates to me that the council does not want to back down on this development. I would like to know what is intended for the vacant block, especially if the council is still intending to build the 35-apartment 4 storey complex there, which would be incredibly insensitive and inconsiderate to the local residents. If an apartment complex is still intended under the new ammendment, then I am strongly against this. It would invade our private amenity. It's out of character with the existing neighbourhood. It would be an ugly thing degrading the beauty of the Casey Foothills Plantings and landscaping would have insignificant effect on reducing the apartment buildings size and density on degrading the picturesque location and neighbourhood. Changes in this area need to be made sensitively and gradually. Apartments need to be positioned in a practical location with consultation in the community, who are from primarily non-English speaking backgrounds. If such a development is still going ahead on the proposed Activity Centre, I would like know specifics on how this will affect my family and my home. Yours Sincerely, Mellisa Gielen

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