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Dear diary, day 32, again I feel that sense of blue.

I'm a water droplet, I start off as a perfect round droplet, with self-confidence and no shame. I feel big and on top of the world. I am as strong as a bull. Things others say don't matter as much. I am standing in a crowd surrounded by perfection.
I'm a water droplet, The next thing I know I have become smaller I break down a little and I spread out into other tiny water droplets Encircling the other water droplets feeling unworthy without praise and attention. Wanting to reform myself and be exceptional like the shape of a perfect drop, I formerly was. I am trying to supress my feelings, I'm not yet healing.
Something inside has died, And demolished all my self- respect. I am almost falling toward the ground I am petrified that my actions will cause people to pass obnoxious comments. Surrounded by others but feeling so introvert.
I'm a water droplet, I keep descending, along with my emotions I hope to vanish and dissolve into that dark drain of despair I have now reached the depth of the ground and I can never recur to being that perfect round shape I once was.

At the end, so many drops disperse into the ocean, I am one amongst many, and suddenly I feel small, claustrophobic, scared and lost in a crowd.

But, I might not be all alone, at the end of the day its like matter of life or death, we all follow the same path and end up in the same place, so I guess it'll be alright.

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