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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plantilla del plan de unidad

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Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Otros datos de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Ttulo de la unidad Enjoy and know the different means of transportation! Resumen de la unidad
This lesson is designed to make the students aware of all the different means of transportation. The students will learn them according to the place we can find them: BY LAND: car, truck, train, bike, motorbike, van, taxi, bus, truck, .....they use the road or highway. BY WATER: boat, ship, ferry, submarine, yacht,...they sail on oceans seas rivers and lakes BY AIR: airplane, helicopter, hot-air-balloon, rocket or spaceship,...they fly through the air They will work on a series of worksheets, such as word-search, crossword, memory game, in order to increase their knowledge which will be useful to do a test about the topic unit.

Carlos Lpez

Repblica de Italia Elementary School

San Miguelito, Pan de Azcar, Sector E

Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s Social Studies Ao y nivel

Second grade

Tiempo necesario aproximado

Five hours per week

Fundamentos de la unidad Contenidos

Means of transportation: -bus -taxi -bike -airplane -horse -boat, -helicopter and others

Classifying means of transportation: By land By water By air

Being aware of transportation in his/her community

Objetivos del aprendizaje

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Presents information about transportation. Mentions the most important means of transportation Classifies the means of transportation PROGRESS ACHIEVEMENT INDICATORS: Identifies different means of transportation in his/her community. Discusses about the means of transportation and classifies them by land, water and air.

Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad

Pregunta esencial

Why are important the means of transportation in a city?

Preguntas de unidad

Which is the mean of transportation you like the most? Which are the means of transportation you use with more frequency?
Which are the means of transport that functions in an airport? Which are the means of transport that functions in a port? Which are the means of transport that functions on a street or highway?

Preguntas de contenido

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plan de evaluacin

Cronograma de evaluaciones

Antes de empezar el trabajo del proyecto

Durante el desarrollo del proyecto

Una vez completado el proyecto


Individual work: Wordsearch Match crossword

Written test Oral test

Resumen de evaluaciones
Evaluacin Brainstorming, questions Proceso y propsito The students use a group problem-solving technique that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas from all members of the group in an attempt to find a solution to a problem. Example: -Mention the means of transportation of your community. -Which are the means of transportation used in Panama City? -Which means of transport are used to travel by air? Through the word-search the students will find out a series of words related to transportation, this work must be neat, colorful, and should include key vocabulary. These classworks will be evaluated through the use of a numerical scale. The students will solve a written test about the means of transportation that functions on land, water and air.

Individual work word-search, crossword, match

Written test

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Detalles de la unidad Habilidades previas The students should be able to recognize some of the means of transportation they learned last year.

The students will mention information about the means of transportation they already learned last year, they will also watch videos that show information about how those means of transport are classified, for example those that are used by land, air, or water. By watching this video the students will have the opportunity to see in an attractive way the pronunciation of each means of transport as well as songs related to the topic. The students will have the opportunity to do a series of classworks by using worksheets that shows word-search, match, and crossword. Finally they will do an oral or written test about the classification of means of transportation

Estudiante con necesidades especiales No hispanoparlantes Estudiante talentoso The outstanding second grade student is able to deliver a speech about the means of transportation.

Materiales y recursos necesarios para la unidad Tecnologa Hardware (equipo necesario) Cmara Computadora(s) Reproductor de DVD Conexin a Internet Cmara digital Disco lser Impresora Sistema de proyeccin Escner Televisor VCR Cmara de vdeo Equipo de vdeo conferencia Otro

Tecnologa Software (necesario) Base de datos/Hoja de clculo Diagramador de publicaciones Programa de correo electrnico Enciclopedia en CD-ROM
Materiales impresos Suministros Worksheets, posters

Editor de imgenes Buscador Web Multimedia

Desarrollo de pginas web Procesador de texto Otro

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial transport transport THESE SITES CONTAIN PRINTABLES

Recursos de Internet means of transport THESE SITES CONTAIN VIDEOS

Otros Recursos

Los programas de Intel Educacin son financiados por la Fundacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel. Derechos reservados 2008, Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel Educacin y el Programa Intel Educar son marcas registradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pases. *Otros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados.


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