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United States Department of State

and the Broadcasting Board of Governors

Inspector Gefieral

December 12, 2002


TO: INR - Mr. Carl W. Fore

FROM: OIG - Clark Kent Ervinl

SUBJECT: Notification of Review - Issues Surrounding Processing of Visa

Applications Submitted by September 11 Hijackers

Congressman Frank Wolf, Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Departments of

Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies, has requested the
Office of Inspector General to conduct an inquiry "into the issues surrounding the
issuance of visas to the September 11 terrorist hijackers." We began a special inspection
on December 1 that will analyze whether laws, policies and procedures in place at the
time the applications were processed were properly followed.

Senior Inspector Norbert Krieg, who will be assisted by Inspector Douglas Ellice, heads
the inspection team. They will wish to discuss the subject of our inspection with
INR/nPOFF. They will contact Mr. John Arriza, Director of the TIPOFF Watch
Program, soon to arrange an appointment to discuss plans for our inquiry.

Please contact me if you have any questions, or your staff may contact Robert B.
Peterson, Acting Assistant Inspector General for Inspections, at (703) 284-2652. We
look forward to a constructive and cooperative effort to improve the effectiveness of the
Department's conduct of foreign affairs.

Address correspondence to: U.S. Department of State, Office of Inspector General, Washington, D.C. 20520-6817
Memo From IG To Inr I p. 2

Drafted: OIG/ISP/CE - Doug Ellice 4-2648


Clearance: OIG/ISP - Robert Petersoi^

Approved: IG - Clark Ervin

c:\temp\memofrom ig to inr dec 10.doc

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