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Ethiopia has a long history oI producing elite distance runners.

legendary Abebe Bikila, the bareIoot runner who won the marathon at the
1960 Olympics, to Tirunesh Dibaba, who placed gold in the women`s
5,000 and 10,000 meters at the 2008 Olympics, the country has a proud
running tradition.
It is cruelly ironic that the country that has produced these Olympic
champions would also be the home oI hundreds oI thousands oI disabled
Ethiopian children who can barely even walk, let alone run.
Four-year-old Abenet Irom the rural Sidama zone, a region Iamous Ior its
coIIee, was one oI these children. She had bilateral clubIoot, which greatly
aIIected her ability to walk. It was also believed Abenet had her disability
because her Iamily was cursed.
Her Iather, Deka, took Abenet to numerous medical Iacilities seeking a cure Ior
her clubIoot. However, aIter many bitter disappointments, he was ready to
give up.

A ray oI hope appeared when he got word oI CURE International`s hospital in
Addis Ababa and how it oIIered specialized treatment Ior disabilities like
Abenet`s. Even though he had Iaced disappointment beIore, Deka wanted his
daughter to be healed. So, he traveled more than 180 miles with Abenet to
the hospital.
Abenet was soon in the capable hands oI the hospital`s medical team.
Corrective surgery was perIormed to straighten her Ieet.
While he was anxiously waiting Ior his daughter to recover, Deka became impressed by the concern and support
shown to him. He met with a member oI the hospital`s spiritual staII who explained to him how everyone is equal
in the eyes oI God, regardless oI their physical condition. At the realization his daughter`s disability was not the
result oI a curse, he laughed joyously. 'I know now that there is no curse in my house! he exclaimed.
Abenet and Deka both returned to their home region with changed lives. Abenet will have the chance to learn to run
with straight Ieet. And while she might not ever run as Iast or as long as Abebe Bikila or Tirunesh Dibaba, her
Iather knows many things are possible Ior Abenet because oI the physical and spiritual healing they both
experienced at CURE Ethiopia Children`s Hospital.
CURE InternationaI transforms the Iives of disabIed chiIdren and
their famiIies in the deveIoping worId through medicaI and spirituaI
heaIing, serving aII by estabIishing speciaIty teaching hospitaIs, buiIding
partnerships and advocating for these chiIdren.
You can help children
like Abenet today!
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