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Biblical Counselor Training Conference - Moldova

Session 1 2 DAY 1 3 4 5 DAY 2 6 7 8 DAY 3 9 10 11 DAY 4 12 13 DAY 5 14 15 Main Teacher 2013 TRACK 1 Why Counsel - Dunas What makes biblical counseling biblical Key elements 1-3 Key elements 4-6 Goal/Qualifications - Caraivan 4 rules of communication Understanding the heart Forgiveness - Seremet Issues in Counseling philosophies Spiritual Growth Organizing Data Marriage Basics Husband's role Wife's role Q&A Bill Tully 2014 TRACK 2 Biblical principles of sex Understanding sexual sin Parenting 1 Parenting 2 Parenting 3 Anthropology Handling anger Anger case study Guilt and repentance Trials and suffering Idols of the heart Worry/Fear Giving homework Biblical priorities Q&A 2015 TRACK 3 Handling the past biblically Counseling people with a diagnosed illness Counseling ppl w/a psychological diagnosis Overcoming evil with good Depression Depression case study Alcohol abuse Chemical Imbalances Knowing the will of God Hermeneutics Attribues of God in counseling Role of HS in counseling Role of prayer in counseling Q&A

Sessions in green are taught in Romanian so only need one hour. All other sessions are taught in English, therefore need two hours. Days 1, 2, and 3 of Track 1 will have an extra hour that can be used for Q&A or case study. Sessions in yellow are preferred to be taught by a physician.

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