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Formarea continua a cadrelor didactice pentru utilizarea resurselor informatice moderne in predarea eficienta a limbii engleze si evaluarea la nivel

european a competentelor lingvistice

Listening Test (Maria Nicolaescu)

1. Listen to the podcast about Halloween and match the words and phrases to their definition. happy nocturnal a. to make a sad person b. a special day or period c. relating to ancient religions that d. the traditional stories and e. a large round vegetable f. active at night

pagan when people celebrate something worshipped many gods culture of a group of people with hard yellow or orange flesh to cheer someone up pumpkin festival folklore

2. Read the statements and decide if they are true or false. 1. The Celts celebrated Samhain at the end of autumn. 2. The Christian Church took over the older pagan festivals. 3. Only poor people play 'Trick or Treat'. 4. Witches are a modern invention. 5. Jack O'Lantern was another name for the devil. 6. Animals that are active at night are popular symbols of Hallowe'en.

3. Write your opinion about Halloween in a short paragraph. (100 words) Barem: Marking Scheme: 1. 30 points (5 p. X 6) 2. 30 points (5 p. X 6) 3. 40 points (arguments 10 p, examples 10p, coherence 5 p, language 5 p, vocabulary 5 p, spelling 5 p) 10 point for granted Ataament Mrime magazine- halloween.mp3 1.46 MB Intelegere oral B1

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