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Teaching English Skills I

Claudia Cantero P. Isabel Calfulipi N.

Four methods
Were developed in the 1970s and 1980s. Have had a considerable impact in language teaching. The main target is related to the students affective filters.

Upper filter / Lower filter

This is an imaginary wall that is placed between a learner and language input. If the filter is ON, the learner is blocking out input. The filter turns ON when anxiety is high, self-esteem is low, or motivation is low.

Hence, low anxiety classes are better for language acquisition. Another implication is that too much correction will also raise the affective filter, and the students self- esteem using the language will fall down.

Community Language Learning (cll)

Developed by Charles A. Curran

Students will sit in a circle and

decide what they want to talk about. Teachers role is going to be counsellor or knower, standing outside the circle.

Provide the equivalent in English.

Teachers job is to facilitate rather than to teach.


A set of methods developed by Dr. James J. Asher. When learning an additional language, this language is internalized through a process of code deciphered. This method indicates that the brain is biologically programmed to learn any language.

The elements of language are presented by orders and instructions that require a physical response from the class. The principle behind this approach is that physical intervention accompanying the presentation and use of a particular expression makes this is understood and assimilated. The development of this approach has as its starting point the observation of how the person learns the first language. What most characterizes this method of teaching is perhaps the concept of learning as an evolutionary process in which mistakes are a normal part of the learning process. Verification of the efficacy of language or what can be made through language is what encourages students to use it.

IN THE CLASSROOM: Its an imitation, similar to the relationship between parents and their child, but in the context of teacherstudent" where the student responds physically to instructions from the professor (Simon says) ADVANTAGES: * It is useful for beginning teachers * Students enjoy doing more physical activities * Does not require a physical fitness and recommended for students with mixed abilities. * Students express their knowledge actively. DISADVANTAGES: It can be a challenge for shy students. is


It was created by Caleb Gattegno in the 70s. Caleb developed his proposal that the teacher should remain silent in the classroom and encourage the learner to produce the foreign language and thus facilitate the student to discover and create instead of remembering and repeating, and instead of that manipulate objects and solve problems in order to ensure a better production of language. In this method, learning is seen as a complex process that challenges the student through the problem, the activity of discovery and creativity. The student is the protagonist of this process and is intended that the student to be an independent subject, autonomous and responsible, which is the merit of the creator because he considered the flexibility of learning when the established indirect monitoring of the teacher as facilitator process.

Among its features we emphasize the following:

Do not use the native language.

Learning occurs through posters, cards with sounds or morphemes coded.

It reinforces the sound, precision and intonation.

The teacher remains silent most of the time so that students speak and practice most of the time and this has a major control of the entire process. It is used non-verbal communication. Silence is important because the acoustic image takes a few seconds recorded in the mind, it also allows the student's concentration and mental organization of linguistic data received.

The procedure might be: the teacher sets up the situation and focuses the students on some structure, which he produces. Students respond to visual signals and slowly repeating produce linguistic messages.

Developed by Georgi Lazanov. Focused in the students comfort, the classroom atmosphere and physical surrounding. Parent-children relationship / familiar atmosphere / teachers sympathy .

A suggestopaedia lesson has 3 main parts: 1. An oral review of what they learnt and use it for discussion. 2. Presentation and discussion of the new material and its native language equivalent. 3. Finally the sance or the concert session in which students listen to relaxing music while the teacher reads the new dialogue material.

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