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Unit 3 Lesson 2

The Universal Systems Model

Last Name ________________________________ First Name _______________________________
Date _____________________ Class 1A 2A 1B 2B 3B
1. What is a system?
2. Systems are used in a number of ways in technology and appear in many
aspects of daily life, such as ____________________ systems, ________________________l
systems, and _________________________________ systems.
3. There are two types of systems _________________________loop and
4. An __________________________ system has no feedback, therefor there is a human
aspect to this system.
5. A closed loop system uses __________________________ from the output to control
the __________________________________.
6. Every system that exists can be broken down using
7. What are the four parts of the Universal Systems Model (USM)?
8. Inputs consist of the resources that flow into a technological system. Inputs
include: (List and Describe)
a. ________________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________________________________
f. ________________________________________________________________________________
g. ________________________________________________________________________________
9. The Process is
10. What are the three categories of processes?

Unit 3 Lesson 2
The Universal Systems Model
11. The output is the end result, which can have either a ____________________________
or ______________________________ impact. Outputs can take the following forms:
12. Feedback is information used to ___________________________ or
__________________________ a system. Feedback allows the system to make
13. New and frequent users need to ____________________ systems so that they
function in the way they were designed to _______________________________ or
safety issues.

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