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ENG3U Listening Test 1. The statement that comes closest to the overall thesis of the video is A) Senator Diane Feinstein is untrustworthy B) The NSA spying program is losing support C) There is disagreement in Congress on the NSA spying program D) The NSA disagrees with Senator Diane Feinstein E) Congress disagrees with Senator Diane Feinstein 2. The following logical appeal is used in the video: A) When someone that normally disagrees with you agrees with you, you must be right B) Spying is horrible, like Frankenstein C) Senator Diane Feinstein cant be trusted D) Spying on foreign leaders is more dangerous than spying on regular people E) The USA Freedom Act is good because it has a good name 3. Which of the following is not an example of connotative language in the video? A) Bad guys B) Frankenstein C) Freedom D) Outrageous E) Foreign leaders 4. Listing the senators that support the USA Freedom Act is an example of what? A) Appeal to credibility B) Appeal to logic C) Appeal to emotion D) Parallel structure E) Alliteration 5. The segment near the beginning about the USA Freedom Act is an example of which method of development: A) Analogy B) Classification C) Narration (Anecdote) D) Description E) Restatement



6. Which of the following is used as a metaphor in the video: A) Rebellion B) Frankenstein C) Freedom D) Outrageous E) National Rifle Association

7. Which of the following is used as a metaphor in the video A) a real contest B) the powerful C) Citizens D) Spying E) Running for the hills 8. The phrase in the club is an example of A) Irony B) Metaphor C) Oxymoron D) Parallel Structure E) Rhetorical Question 9. Calling the NSA spying program Frankenstein is an example of A) Allusion B) Antithesis/Balance C) Conscious choice of a mocking tone D) Euphony E) Simile

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