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External intercostals, parasternal intercartileganous muscles contract chest walls expands thoracic volume increases intrathoracic pressure becomes more negative alveolar transmural pressure gradient increases alveoli expand alveolar pressure falls below atmospheric pressure air flows into the alveoli

FORCED INSPIRATION Diaphragm. External intercostals, parasternal intercartileganous, scalaneous anterior and medius, and sternocleidomastoid muscles contract chest walls expands thoracic volume increases intrathoracic pressure becomes MORE negative alveolar transmural pressure gradient increases alveoli expand alveolar pressure falls below atmos. pressure air flows into the alveoli FORCED EXPIRATION Inspiratory muscles relax and intercostal muscles and quadratus lumborum contract thoracic vol. decreases intrathoracic pressure becomes positive alveolar transmural pressure gradient decreases alveoli recoil alveolar pressure rises above atmos. Pressure air flows out of the lungs

QUIET EXPIRATION Inspiratory muscles relax thoracic vol. decreases intrathoracic pressure becomes less negative alveolar transmural pressure gradient decreases alveoli recoil alveolar pressure rises above atmos. Pressure air flows out of the lungs

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